43. Trouble on Berserker Island 2/2

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"Okay, Gusteronimo, time to level with me." Snotlout started his interrogations, as they walked through the cave system. "How did you really end up in this apprentice program?"

Oh gods, Sigrid rolled her eyes, he really can't leave it be, can he?

"Dagur obviously saw something in me that you didn't." Gustav shrugged with a smug grin. "Heroism. Loyalty. I spend a lot of time with him when he captured me and Fanghook."

"Which is exactly why I don't get it." Snotlout pointed a finger in his face. "Anyone who spends time with you wants to kill you."

Whilst the basis of that might've been true, Sigrid still didn't like the way Snotlout was talking to the boy. Sure, Gustav was an annoying little stubborn brat who doesn't know how to behave. But she could tell he was really trying for Dagur's approval these past few weeks, and surprisingly, even hers. 

"I guess we'll have to agree to disagree." Gustav crossed his arms.

Snotlout rolled his eyes.

"I guess we'll have to agree to disagree." He mocked Gustav's words.

Sigrid groaned in annoyance.

"Will you two quit it!" She snapped. 

"Yes ma'am."

Sigrid rolled her eyes as the two saluted, at least they'd shut their mouths for now.

Going further into the cave system, the space suddenly opened to a vast area, with a small walking path amongst the stone walls. But that wasn't the most fascinating of all, no, it was that across the walls, and over the ceiling, dripping down in spirals of reflective glass, was nothing but ice. A strong ice, that surely wouldn't melt by the mere torch Sigrid held in her hands. This was something she'd never seen before.

"Wow. I wonder what kind of huge, nasty, venomous dragon lives down here." So much for their silence, Snotlout couldn't help but taunt Gustav some more. "Boo!" 

Snotlout startled Gustav so much that he almost fell down the depths.

"Ha ha! Mutton-head. Let's go, Gust-egg."

Absolute children, the both of them.

"Alright, enough." Sigrid scowled, pulling Snotlout by the collar. "You, in front of me, and Gustav, you stay behind me."

Now she understood what the twins had meant this whole time. She really was a mother, and not by choice either.

Gustav had to whisper encouragements to himself as he crab-walked over the stone edge, with his back pressed up against the cave wall. But if it got him through it, Sigrid didn't care. However, as they neared a cut-off ledge, Sigrid knew that it would cause a bit more trouble.

Sigrid was the first to jump over the gap, showing the boys that it really wasn't as difficult as it looked. Snotlout, filled with arrogance, went for it shortly after, making it easily.

"Ha ha! Snotlip- Snotlout!" 

Sigrid raised her brow with a grin, hearing that Dagur had wormed his way into Snotlout's head. It was really funny to see. Now, it was Gustav's turn to jump, and he definitely wasn't feeling as good about it as them.

"Come on, you can't be afraid of heights. We fly dragons." Snotlout huffed.

Sigrid pushed his head away with her hand on his mouth, he really wasn't helping.

"It's okay, Gustav. I know you can do it." She encouraged with a stretched out arm, the other still holding the torch. "I've got you."

Gustav took in a deep breath, as he too finally ran for the jump... but he jumped way too early, and almost missed it completely. Gustav cried out in panic, as his arms tried to push his body up on the stone ledge. He didn't even stop whimpering as Sigrid pulled his body up by his vest with only one hand, setting him right back on his feet.

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