39. Shell Shocker 2/2

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Sigrid had gone along with Dagur and Heather, back to Berserker Island, to get a head start on rebuilding. She had a lot of experience, after all, and she was confident that hadn't changed. It was strange, though, following a similar routine she had many years ago. With all these attacks, Sigrid felt fifteen again, in the height of Berk's dragon raids.

But what was even stranger, is that it was obvious that it seemed to be only Berk so far who had to deal with dragon raids. Or, at least, it was obvious that Berserker Island hadn't, but she already figured that from Dagur's old idiotics about dragons. Sigrid had always been aware that Berk used to be a land of 'kill or be killed', but had it really been that bad?

It hadn't even been a day before Hiccup sent a Terror mail their way. They'd found Viggo, and now they had a different plan in mind; preparing for the next attack, on Dragon's Edge.

Hiccup had been anxious, but put on a brave face as he prepared everyone for their eventual battle. Not only did he have people to save, there was now also a dragon at play, a Titan at that. 

"Alright, gang. We have until dawn, they'll be in range by then." Hiccup spoke as he paced back and forth in front of the group.

Besides Sigrid, Dagur wasn't paying that much attention to Hiccup's story, as he seemed to be too busy biting his fingernails. Sigrid smacked his hand from his mouth with a frown, silently telling him to stop it. 

"Hiccup, I had a thought." Snotlout started. "Now, follow me on this. Okay. Come along for the ride. -" Sigrid raised her brow. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm not completely attached to this place, right? Let it burn to the ground. -"

No one agreed with that.

"-I mean it's been fun, great views. But is it worth dying over? That's what you have to ask yourself. Alright, let's take a vote. Anyone?"

Sigrid uncrossed her arms.

"Why do you assume you're going to die?" She questioned with a sneer.

"I mean... I don't." Snotlout huffed with a nonchalant shrug. "It's just- I don't know about any of you, if you know what I mean."

The redhead rolled her eyes.

"No, I don't know what you mean." She snarled. "If you're in the mentality that you, or any of us, are guaranteed to die, then I'm politely asking you to step out of this battle."

"No, Sigrid, we need him- even if I hate to say it. We need all of us." Astrid argued.

Sigrid crossed her arms, Dagur's eyes widened as he realised an argument was starting, and he definitely did not want to be caught in the middle of it.

"What we need is Vikings who are either all in, or all out, there is no in between." Sigrid stood her ground. "If Snotlout, or anyone else is on the fence about that, they're welcome to leave."

Dagur raised his hand with a worried twitch. "Sigrid, sweetheart, let's calm down-"

 "No!" Sigrid huffed. "When Berk was fighting dragons every other day, there was no option for neutrality! You were either with us, or against us. What makes this any different?"

"We're not in that situation anymore." Hiccup assured.

Sigrid shook her head.

"Aren't we?" She questioned, before gesturing around the sky. "Because to me, this feels exactly like how it used to be. But instead of a nest of dragons, it's Dragon Hunters in a ship riding a Tidal Class!"

She panted, before rubbing her furrowed brow.

"I realize that you didn't get to understand what that felt like. You've never been through something this big before. I get that." Sigrid sighed. "But if you're not prepared to go in full force, than you're allowing yourself to get distracted, and that will get you hurt, or even killed. Trust me, I know it."

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