10. The Five Signposts of Valhalla

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"Sigrid, please tell Snotlout that he's being dramatic." Hiccup sighed, waving his hands towards the panic-stuck Viking. 

Sigrid stared at him with raised brow, crossing her arms over her chest as she frowned at him.

 "What is it now, Snotlout?" She questioned annoyance. 

"What 'it' is, is that I've seen three of the five signposts of Valhalla!" Snotlout screeched, obviously very grieved about the situation. "I'm going to die, Sig!"

Sigrid couldn't believe the ridiculousness that was spouted at her today. I mean, she was used to being the mom of the younger group, but this was really getting out of hand. Hiccup was their leader - or so he claimed - so how did this counseling thing suddenly become her job?

"You're being dramatic." She nodded, agreeing with her brother's words. 

Hiccup sighed, relieved that his sister was taking his side. "See? I told you. It's just an old wives tale." 

"Oh no, it's very real." Sigrid countered, immediately filling the dark-haired boy with more fear. "Just doesn't apply to you." 

"What do you mean, 'doesn't apply to' me?!" Snotlout gasped in offense. 

Sigrid simply shrugged, not taking his lament seriously at all, which really bothered him. She was supposed to take his side in this whole ordeal! He expected her to start crying, grieving over the fact that she'd lose such a loved person in her life. But, in reality, there was none of that.

"Well, the signs of Valhalla only appear to great warriors." She spoke in a teaching tone, as if talking to a small child. "And you certainly don't qualify for that, so you have nothing to worry about." 

Snotlout did not take her words too positively. 

"How could you say that, Sig!" The boy squeaked in offense. "I can't believe none of you are taking this seriously!" 

Yeah, she was definitely not dealing with this anymore today. 

"Okay, enough!" She huffed, silencing the rambling idiot in his trainwreck of thoughts. "I'm not talking about this anymore, got it?"

With a sniffling frown, Snotlout nodded. Gods, she really was becoming their mother. Sadly, it also turns out that that wasn't the last of Snotlout's crazy antics. Hiccup informed her that he was now determined to train Gustav to be his follow-up, to which Sigrid heavily protested. 

"Come one, Hiccup! The kid doesn't even know his left foot from his right!" 

However, not too long after Snotlout had come to her, practically begging for her to be present for his final speech. Sigrid wanted to say no, but he just looked so incredibly sad in the moment, so she couldn't help but give in. Her brother had raised a brow at her sudden appearance in the arena, it seemed that Snotlout's plan hadn't been much of an informed idea, and a bit on a whim, as the others seemed way too busy with preparing for the upcoming mission. 

"I know it's going to be hard on you all, when I'm no longer here, especially you Astrid." The blonde rolled her eyes at Snotlout's words, but he continued. "But I don't want any tears, I want you to remember me with joy in your hearts."

It would've been a beautiful speech, if it weren't for the fact that the reasoning of it were quite ridiculous. 

"So, think of the good times we all had together." He scratched his butt with a cringing face. "It is by the power vested in me, that I hereby pass the Hookfang horns to Gustav. Go with Thor, little man, for he will watch over you, with lightning bolts and a giant hammer."

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