19. Attack on Dragon's Edge

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Honestly, it had been a pretty wild and unsatisfying couple of weeks for Sigrid. She'd gotten plenty of letters from her brother... after he and the other riders had already been through the aftermath of troublemaking. It was really irking to always hear

"Oh hey Sig, yeah we could've really used you on this mission. But don't worry, that already happened last week!"

Like, Thor, did she have any use at this point?

Sure, it was slightly concerning that the redhead spend every waking moment trying to be 'of use' to someone. Whether that be her father, her brother or literally any other Berkian alive. But hey, gotta give some to get some, right? Sigrid wasn't really sure what that meant, but she lived by it. So, when the oldest Haddock sibling got a terror mail from the Edge, Sigrid was on Skullcrusher in a second. 

Dragon's Edge is being attacked.

 Hiccup, Fishlegs and Snotlout are on a mission. Ruffnut is missing. 

Sigrid, we need your help. 


That short letter was more than enough for the redhead to drag Skullcrusher from his den and dart for Dragon's Edge, adrenaline running through her veins as she ignored her father's calls. He'd see the letter knife pinned to the wooden table soon enough, and just like last time, he'd understand her hurry. 

There was no time to waste, or else they'd risk losing not only the island, but a group of Vikings Sigrid cared deeply about. She left Berk during the moon's reign, but when she finally neared Dragon's Edge, the sun had already begun to shine.

She just hoped that Astrid and Tuffnut were okay.


It didn't take long for the redhead to spot them, or well... at least one of them. Tuffnut was hanging from a big green and smaller white balloon, floating slowly upwards into the sky, and it seemed that Astrid wasn't very keen on helping him. The younger viking seemed  relieved to see the oldest Haddock sibling approach, and called out to her for help.

"Sigrid, am I glad to see you!" Tuffnut chuckled, before glancing back down towards the distaning ground nervously. "Could you, perhaps, help bring me down to earth?"

The woman chuckled, but wasted no time in pulling him down to the mast with Skullcrusher's help. 

"So, what's the plan?" Sigrid asked after they'd joined Astrid on the ground.

The approaching ships clear even in the far distance, it was clear that the time to strike would be sooner rather than later. 

"For you to kick some Dragon Hunters' butts." Astrid pointed out.

But it was clear that she was just a little apprehensive about bossing the older redhead around. A problem she notably didn't have with Tuffnut. 

Sigrid shrugged her shoulders, a thoughtful expression on her freckled face. "I think I can manage that."

For now, it was Tuffnut job to shoot as many high-impact spears from Astrid's bolista as he could. And to give him credit, he was very good at following the blonde's commands, and seemed to be really enjoying himself with every spear shot. 

"Yes! Who kicks Dragon Hunter butt? Tuffnut kicks Dragon Hunter butt." He cheered himself on. 

"Way to go, Tuff!" Sigrid encouraged the young Viking.

Tuffnut gave a wide grin in return, before Astrid flew up on Stormfly to point them back towards the action. 

"Let's not start kissing our own butts yet-"

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