54. Lovebirds Enhanced

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Author's Note

As you might've noticed, I've been publishing a lot more chapters. This is because I'm almost finished with proof-reading everything we have left! Only 16 more chapters left to go, can you believe it?

Anyway, my apologies for the cringe you'll experience ahead. This episode was not awkward-free going through it, but it was very much needed for Sigrid and Dagur's relationship.


--- reading starts here ---

Today, with little sleep but a lot of energy, Sigrid and Dagur were on their way to Dragon's Edge to meet with Hiccup, as well as showing off their betrothal gifts.

Sigrid was sporting her diadem proudly, even having let down some of her hair, when she was getting ready in the morning. Instead of her iconic ponytail, she now sported a half-up half-down braided hairstyle, with the diadem making sure to push back any stray hairs trying to make its way on her face. The silver sat snugly, and together with Mala's marital gift, and her newly polished armor plates, her Valkyrie look was really starting to pull together.

Dagur had rambled about it all morning, clinging to her waist at every second he could. Sigrid was no better herself, having an arm around his own at every moment. They just couldn't keep their hands off each other.

Their arrival on Dragon's Edge had been swift, and surprising for all of the riders. Sigrid was the first to greet her brother, whose green eyes immediately snapped to the diadem decorating her forehead. He recognized it in an instant, he'd seen Dagur's sketches after all. He had to say, it really turned out great.

"Are you guys okay?" Fishlegs questioned with a raised brow, they were acting very... strange, and besides, they didn't usually fly in on Dragon's Edge unannounced.

"Never better." Dagur sang, with a big grin on his face. "Why do you ask?"

"...Nothing." Fishlegs decided to not question any further.

"We have some very exciting things to discuss." Sigrid squealed, grasping Dagur's arm tightly as she pulled him closer to her.

"I, uh, assume we're talking about the wedding, right?" Hiccup questioned with slight hesitation.

The couple's overly excited attitude had completely baffled him. He really wasn't used to them behaving this... clingy. As if they were newly coupled. It felt weird.

Astrid thought the same thing, her brow furrowing as she watched the pair practically morph into one another in front of her eyes, from how close they were hugging. Her eyes darted towards Hiccup, they never did that.

"Of course!" Dagur beamed. "What else would it be about?"

"I don't know." Hiccup shrugged. "Forget I even asked."

If Hiccup thought their couple-yness would stop there, he was surely mistaken. The second the pair sat down, Sigrid had folded her legs over Dagur's lap, straddling him as she moved in closer. After a dramatic retelling of each other's betrothal gifts, their shoulders touched as they folded towards each other with a dreamy expression on their faces. 

Snotlout wanted to throw up, this was disgusting to look at. At this point, everyone had forgotten to ask anything about Dagur's new shiny knife, or Sigrid's diadem. This had quickly turned into a giant pile of utter cringe

"Eskimo." Dagur cooed at they rubbed their noses together.

Sigrid laughed, hugging him closer with an arm on his shoulder, whilst the other sat around his wait. 

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