58. Return To Berk

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It's been two years since her wedding, and Sigrid was feeling great! I mean, there hadn't been any real trouble since Johann's defeat... even if they never did find out where Krogan went, but he hadn't shown his face since. Dagur joked that they must've scared him off, and for Sigrid's own sanity, she just went along with that.

But now wasn't about that, no. Now, Sigrid and Electrode were leaving for Berk, with great news to share. What is the news? You might ask. Well, you'll have to find out...

"Are you sure you're going to be okay, darling?" Dagur worried before her departure. "We can always go by boat. I can cancel all my meetings and I can go with you! It'll be safer-"

"Dagur!" Sigrid had to snap him out of it. "I'll be fine, honey. Besides, I'll only be on Berk for a day or two. Our tribe needs you, I'll be back before you know it."

He'd let her go after that, but not without a pout and lots of hugs and kisses. Heather barely got to say goodbye to her sister-in-law with her brother clinging onto her, as if his life depended on it.


Sigrid was in a hurry to get to Berk, not wanting to miss the annual Dragon Races again. But that proved to be all for nothing, as it seemed that the final score had already been made. The cheering was so loud that she could hear it from  miles away. Electrode chortled at the noise. Much like his owner, he found it quite amusing. 

"Sigrid!" was the first thing the redhead heard when she landed, followed by a near tumble to the ground as she was tackled by a familiar blonde Viking.

"Gods, Astrid." Sigrid let out a breathy laugh as she stabilized herself. "I'm happy to see you too."

Squealing, Astrid jumped up and down as she grasped the redhead's hands in her own, adrenaline rushing through her.

"I won, Sigrid!" She boasted. "I won the race!"

"No! I missed it? Are you kidding me..." Sigrid groaned dramatically, making Astrid chuckle. "Oh well, I didn't expected anything less from you."

Astrid snorted, as the two went on their way, walking further into Berk. 

"Yeah, well, it sure wasn't easy." The blonde rolled her eyes. "Fishlegs and Snotlout are all over Ruffnut, it almost gave the twins an easy win! With the way they were literally hurling sheep towards her at every turn."

Sigrid gave a small laugh at Astrid's theatrics. "Must be aggravating."

Astrid laughed, it sure was sometimes. 

"There she is!" Came the booming voice of one very large Chief. "You, young lass, have a lot of catching up to do."

"Oh, please." Sigrid chuckled with a roll of the eyes, as she waved her father's demands away. "We both know you kept me well up to date, dad."

"That I did." Stoick agreed with pride. "But there's just one important thing that I haven't had to time to discuss yet, about your brother."

"Speaking of Hiccup." Sigrid interrupted her father, as she glanced around the area. "Where is he?"

"Oh, you know, goofing off again." Astrid shrugged, before whistling for Stormfly. "I'm going to go find him, I'll be back soon."

Sigrid was highly unamused at the news of her brother's absence, especially since he knew she was coming today, she'd made sure of it. Besides that, a secret of her own was making her tremble, and as she watched Astrid soar away on her Deadly Nadder, she felt like she was about to burst.

"Okay, I can't keep this in any longer." Sigrid snapped, her brow furrowing as she shuffled in place impatiently. "I know you have news, dad. But so do I, and I really really need to tell you."

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