7. Torch the Typhoomerang

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Hiccup's stubbornness had lit a fire under the butts of the Berkians, and they changed for the better. The boy wasn't exactly delighted to find out he lost his leg, but he supposed it was better than not being alive at all. Now, instead of hunting dragons, they trained them, and Hiccup was -for the first time in his life- in charge of something. All was good, at least on Berk. But, if Sigrid had to be honest, it was still pretty strange to have dragons live inside her home. Especially because Hiccup had developed a habit of taking new critters in.

"So, what even is he?" Sigrid asked as she studied the small, iron-headed dragon that her brother had placed on the table.

Hiccup shrugged. "We're not sure, this is the first time I've ever seen a dragon like this. But Fishlegs really liked the name Typhoomerang, so I guess we're sticking with that."

"Cool." Sigrid nodded as she watched the dragon's flame-colored wings.

So cute.

"Are we keeping him?"

"No, no, no." Stoick spoke firmly, marching downstairs with his arms filled with firewood. "He's not staying here, I've got a one dragon limit."

"Oh come on, he's not a very big dragon!" Hiccup protested with a whine. "Think of him more like...a flaming squirrel."

Sigrid chuckled at her brother's comparison, that dragon was definitely nothing like a 'flaming squirrel', but she enjoyed the imagery. Stoick, however, was not as amused with it.

"Don't want one of those either." Their father grumbled, letting the wood fall down in the fire pit.

Straightening his back, Stoick turned towards the Nightfury in the corner with an expecting look on his face.

"Toothless?" He questioned, as the dragon peeped in question. "What are you waiting for?"

The Nightfury opened his mouth, preparing to shoot a blast to light the wood on fire, but it seems the new dragon was quicker, as it lit the wood aflame instantly.

Sigrid laughed at Toothless's face, he looked absolutely bewildered. "I think you just got torched."

The Nightfury huffed in annoyance. With a chuckle, Stoick approached his children by the table, as Sigrid looked at him with fake sternness.

"That's his name, by the way, Torch." She spoke with certainty, reminding him of when she was just a wee lass, wanting to have her own sheep.

Gertrud, she named it. Sadly it got snatched by a dragon during the next attack, she cried about it for a week.

"So, he can stay?" Hiccup asked, after their father didn't seem to protest.

Stoick shrugged, a gentle smile on his face. "Well, can't throw him out now, we've just named him."

Toothless snarled, he definitely wasn't happy about the arrangement.


"Sigrid, I think Toothless is jealous of Torch." Hiccup approached his sister, after she arrived home from her early morning training.

"Well, yeah." Sigrid shrugged. "It's like, when you've been the only child for so long and then suddenly you get a sibling, and your parents start giving the new baby all the attention, so then you get jealous and try to overthrow the baby, which just ends up in a whole mess."

Hiccup stared at her with silent contemplation, a brow raising in wonder at her quick rant.

"...It's like you're speaking from experience." He accused.

"Maybe." She grinned, but stopped her joking as she realised her brother needed actual advice. "I don't know what to tell you, Hiccup. Maybe find out more about Torch before you make a hasty decision?"

Hiccup sighed. Toothless' attitude was really throwing him for a loop, feeling like he was left with not much of a choice.

"Yeah, probably. Thanks, Sigrid."

"Anytime." She gave him a thumbs up, even if she wasn't so sure that her advice had been helpful in any way.

Whatever it was, she hoped her brother could figure it out. She was really starting to like Torch, it would be a shame if they had to get rid of him at this stage.


When the moon hit the sky, Torch had grown a sudden interest to Hiccup's old helmet. Sigrid was cosying up in her brother's room, watching the Typhoomerang with great amusement. At least someone still wanted to wear that helmet.

"Okay, Torch, hold still." Hiccup told the flailing dragon with a chuckle. "I'm trying to draw you."

Leaning over from Hiccup's bed, Sigrid spoke to the dragon with a gleeful voice.

"You're getting your own chapter, how exciting!" She cooed, as the dragon responded with a scratchy squeal.

Her brother leaned down as well, hunching over from his desk chair as Torch came up to his face.

"Rawrrr." Hiccup jested with curled fingers, as he held his hands in front of him like they were claws.

Torch seemed to really like that, as he responded with a roar of his own.

"Rawr!" Hiccup roared once again, and again, and again. Playing with the Typhoomerang as his sister watched with amusement. They were really getting attached to the mysterious dragon.

It was when Sigrid went to bed when stuff really went down, so much so that parts of Hiccup's room were lit on fire, but he dealt with it before it raised any alarm. Toothless' weird behavior was getting out of hand, and he had to do something about it.


"So, what you're telling me is that you left Toothless in a hole, went into the forest without a dragon, found Torch's mother, and set him free to go with his family?" Sigrid summed up what her brother had just told her.

"Yeah, something like that." Hiccup agreed, a little apologetic in his expression. "I'm sorry, Sigrid. I know you really liked him, I did too."

Sigrid sighed. Whilst it was true that she had grown attached to the little Typhoomerang, she also realised that dragons weren't her field to argue with. her brother had done everything he needed to do, and that was all she could ask for.

"It's okay." She shrugged. "I'm glad he's safe."

Reaching over to put a hand on her shoulder - which was really difficult, seeing as Sigrid was at least two heads taller - Hiccup's green eyes turned serious as he spoke in his iconic 'I'm a leader' tone.

"We'll get you a dragon someday, Sig. I promise."

"Oh no, that's alright. I don't need a dragon." Sigrid smiled, but she could see from the determination in her brother's eyes that he would not let the subject go so easily.

Hiccup was a viking alright; stubborn and hardheaded. But she couldn't have asked for a better brother, ever since the day he was born.

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