23. Viggo's Threat 1/2

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"You should've seen the look on Ryker's face." Snotlout boasted to Sigrid after the riders got back from another mission. "I was like, 'Tuff, now!', and he was like..."

"Your wish is my command, Snotman." Tuffnut finished with a faked deep voice, his hand held to his chest as he pointed his finger up in the air. "And then, bam!"

Both vikings finished in harmony, like a girl-group ready for their next chorus. 

Sigrid chuckled in amusement. They really were like children sometimes, but she couldn't help but adore it. Astrid wasn't as happy about this mission's encounter though, her face made that very clear.

She was worried about Heather, and Sigrid gave her every right to be. But right now, they couldn't do anything, not if they wanted her cover completely blown.

"Ahw man, Sigrid, you missed so much." Ruffnut joined in, wanting to distract herself from her brother and Snotlout's sudden infatuation with each other.

"Oh, did I?" Sigrid hummed as she made some adjustments to Electrode's saddle, so it would be a little more comfortably snug around his sides. 

Ruffnut nodded, a mischievous smirk on her face. "Yup, Dagur was really disappointed that you weren't there."

Ah, now Sigrid knew why the Thorston twin had decided to mingle with her. Ruffnut just wanted to see how far she could push

She rolled her eyes. "Told you so himself, did he?"

"Well... no." Ruffnut frowned, as if her brain made an error. "But I could see it, we all could. Just ask Astrid." 

Sigrid grinned, retorting with a shrug. "Well, than you can be sure to tell Dagur that I'll definitely be there next time."

"You will?" Ruffnut gleamed, hands clasping together as she put on her best puppy eyes. 

The redhead laughed. "Absolutely, I think Electrode is eager for some payback." 

"Ooh, I like your style." Ruffnut smirked. She'd look forward to seeing the Berserker fried, nothing personal to the man, it was just funny. "On a different note, can I borrow the Dragon Eye?"

Wow, alright, that was a weird change of question. 

"It's Hiccup's, not mine, you can ask him."

Ruffnut groaned in disappointment, obviously counting on mother Sigrid to give her permission so it could overrule Hiccup's potential anger of her stealing it. Turns out she wouldn't get that satisfaction though, so she'd just take it when he wasn't looking.

"Alright, I will." Ruffnut rolled her eyes, before going on her way. 

Yeah, Sigrid didn't believe that. But that wasn't her problem. Right now, there was a more important task at hand. Heather had news, and Hiccup wanted his sister to go with him and Astrid just incase. And besides, it was best for Electrode to fly with his rider whenever he could, so he would be prepared for the weight when he joined the battlefield.


As soon as she dismounted her dragon, Heather hugged the older redhead tightly. She hadn't seen her in a while, and for Heather that was way too long. Obviously, she cared for her brother, but he could be a bit overwhelming. She'd gotten so used to Sigrid as an older sibling figure, she really began to miss her after she decided to infiltrate the dragon hunters. 

"Viggo suspects Ryker and Dagur. He asked me to go with him to capture the Flightmare. Just me, Windshear, and him." 

"Flightmare?" Hiccup raised his brow. "Why would Viggo want the Flightmare?"

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