40. Father-Daughter Talk... and Dagur

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Sigrid had been absolutely right. Dagur might not have noticed the narrow-eyed glare that Stoick had been sending his way the entire time he'd been on Berk, but she sure did.

Her decision had been made; she'd have to have a talk with her dad, before he'd actually cut the Berserker's head off. After they'd gotten some well deserved rest, of course.

Gobber had assured the two - mostly Dagur - that Shattermaster would be alright in his care, and a lovely letter from Hiccup told them that Ryker Grimborn was - probably very much - dead. So, Sigrid was finally able to drag the Berserker to bed, specifically, her bed.

She'd pulled Dagur towards her family home, the Chief's hut. If it weren't for the fact that Dagur was absolutely exhausted, he might've asked for Stoick's permission first before intruding, but in the moment of restlessness it didn't even come to his mind. By the look on Stoick's face, however, as he watched the two - fully adult - Vikings make their way towards Sigrid's room, it was clear that he wasn't too thrilled about it.

If he found it too suspicious, Stoick was actually tempted to drag the Berserker out of their hut himself. Let him sleep on the grass. But Sigrid wouldn't like that.

It was strange to him, his daughters relationship with the Berserker Chief. When she was younger, from around age twelve to nineteen, she was very adamant about wanting nothing to do with Dagur and his shenanigans. When he was thrown in the Outcasts Prison, it seemed that she was utterly indifferent about his existence, as if she simply forgot about him. But this past year, much to everyone's surprise and confusion, the two once betrothed Vikings decided to try things over, and are now a couple? It was still very confusing for Stoick, even with the bits and pieces he'd been told by his son.

He just didn't understand. Why him? And why now? He was under the impression that Sigrid wasn't interested in anyone, as she hadn't been her entire life.

"So, what changed?"

"I don't know..." Sigrid paused at her father's question. "It just started to feel different, I guess."

"I can understand that." Stoick admitted, he hadn't been much different in that aspect with their mother. "But what I don't understand is how you can go from hating a man, to loving him."

Sigrid huffed, rolling her eyes at her father's two-pointed simple version of events.

"It wasn't as simple as you make it seem." Sigrid pointed out, to which her father shrugged. "You're right, I did hate Dagur when he was with the Dragon Hunters. But then he changed, and the person he became after that change is the man I fell in love with."

Stoick nodded. He could understand that now. He'd seen Dagur's change in attitude and maturity many times already, during Hiccup's project Shellfire plan mostly. And he had to admit, the Berserker had changed for the better, that he wouldn't deny, but he still felt a little iffy about his sudden relationship with his only daughter.

"But, I hope you understand that for me, as your father, this is all still a little bit...new."

Sigrid chuckled at her father's poor attempt of softening his words.

"Of course I understand that, and that's fine." She started. "I'm not expecting you to be completely comfortable with it right away. I'm just asking you not to kill him next time he takes a step closer to me."

Stoick could laugh at that. "Alright, alright. You have my word."

They decided to leave it at that, but as Sigrid could've already guessed, Stoick wasn't satisfied with that. Sure, he trusted his daughter and her intentions enough. But her new boyfriend on the other hand, not so much yet. Yes, Stoick had trusted Dagur enough during the Shellfire battle. But that was battle, not his daughter. Completely different subjects.

Dagur would learn that soon enough.

"So, h-how did it go?" Dagur asked with a nervous stutter, as he rubbed the back of his neck.

It was obvious that he was worried that Stoick would never approve of his relationship with Sigrid, and honestly, Dagur wouldn't blame him. He'd been a villain for most of the time they'd known each other, but he'd changed his ways and was absolutely disgusted with the boy he used to be. He just hoped that he could show the Chief that he had nothing but good intentions.

"It went pretty well, at least I think so." Sigrid gave a small smile, grabbing a hold of Dagur's hand, and started their walk towards the stables to check on Shattermaster. "He's not angry, if that's what you're asking, just a little apprehensive. But he'll get over it."

Her father had been a 'little apprehensive' about living with dragons too, but look at him now.

"I don't blame your father, Sigrid." Dagur admitted with narrowed eyes, avoiding her gaze to keep watch on the ground. "If I was in his place, I wouldn't trust me either."

"Oh come on." Sigrid squeezed his arm lovingly, as they walked. "You're not giving yourself enough credit, you've improved so much! Trust me, you wouldn't be here if you hadn't."

Dagur chuckled at her joking threat.

"Yeah, I know." He spoke, before shrugging. "All I'm saying is that I'm willing to do anything to prove to your father that I am worthy of being with you. Even if he wants me to swim across a flaming pool of death, I'll do it!"

Sigrid laughed at the example. Luckily Mala wasn't there to hear it, or she might've thrown Dagur in there herself.

In Mala's words; 'a man needs to prove himself worthy to you, before you commit yourself to him.' It just seemed that Sigrid disagreed with her on what it meant to prove yourself. But that was okay, Mala meant well.

But knowing Dagur's craziness, he would do it in a heartbeat, and Sigrid definitely didn't want to watch that... Although, again, knowing Dagur he could probably do it easy-peasy. Hmm, maybe she'll think about it.

"We'll see." Sigrid chuckled, before planting a kiss on his cheek, his beard rubbing against her face as she did so.

"Hey, doesn't Mala have like, a 'trial' she makes guys do?" Dagur wondered with a curious gaze, as if he was already thinking about it. "...I could to that."

Oh boy.

She was sure her dad would love to see it though. He'd always been a big fan of tournaments. Guess that's a good way to gain Stoick's approval, and provide him entertainment at the same time. Probably not the best for Sigrid's nerves though.

Dagur had made up his mind. So, without telling her or letting her know anything whatsoever, Dagur decided that he would talk to Stoick by himself. He was a man, and he didn't want to hide behind his very beautiful tall and muscular girlfriend any longer. He'd gain Stoick's trust in his own possible-maybe-future-son-in-law-style... yeah.


"I understand that you don't fully trust me, and I want to take this opportunity to prove myself to you and your daughter that I am fully committed to her. Therefore, I, Chief Dagur the Deranged of the Berserkers hereby invite you to watch the Trials of Devotion, on the island of the Defenders of the Wing. Where I will prove my worthiness to your daughter, the great Sigrid Haddock."

Stoick hadn't even gotten a word in before Dagur had spouted this speech in his face, and he hadn't even entered the hut yet! At least he still had the straight-to-the-point attitude.

"...If that make you feel better." was the only thing Stoick knew how to respond with.

Dagur took that as a thumbs up, kneeling down to the ground as he bowed to the towering Chief.

"Thank you, Stoick! Thank you." He repeated. "I promise you, I will not let you down."

Stoick was still silent in bewilderment as he watched the Berserker run off, probably to Sigrid, with a big grin on his face. What just happened?

"Strange lad."

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