51. A Traitor Revealed

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"Sigrid, no!" Hiccup held his hands out, protesting against his sister who was seething with rage. "We've talked about this, murder is not the way to handle things!"

Hiccup had come to Berserker Island with some... well... terrible news. Trader Johann, a man they'd known and trusted for years, was a traitor. Sigrid was furious, and her fiancé wasn't much better, silently shaking next to her with a deep-set frown on his face. Even though Hiccup had already told him this, calmy back at the clubhouse the night before, the sight of his fiancée in such a state of fury rattled his bones.

"This time it is." Sigrid sneered through gritted teeth. "That no good dragon dung smelling son of a troll! He's been playing us for years, he needs to pay!"

"I know, I know." Hiccup sighed. "But we need to think about this first, it's way too dangerous for us to go in on a whim. Right, Dagur?"

The man in question piped up with a small hum, having not listened to the story at all, too busy trying to keep his own head calm. His green eyes snapped towards Hiccup, and the Berkian could see his eye twitch as his concentration faltered. Oh man, he was angry.

"What was that?" Dagur questioned with a quick mumble.

Hiccup groaned, hands rubbing his furrowed brow before sighing. "Please tell my sister that it's no use to fly in and attack right now, it's too dangerous."

Dagur hummed, acknowledging his point, before speaking.

"You're right, Hiccup." said Haddock let out a breath of relief at Dagur's words, but he wouldn't for long. "This means war."

"NO!" Hiccup cried out in exasperation, before finally giving up. "Okay, no. No war! I'm going to Berk, I need to talk to dad."

Sigrid nodded, an angry pout on her face as she crossed her arms. At least her betrothed was on her side.

Seeing her brother leave, she realised they needed to come up with a plan. No matter what happened, she would make sure that Johann would pay for his betrayal, preferably with his life. But first, it was time to burn everything on the island that's ever come from Johann's traitorous boat.


"I want everyone to carry every barrel, crate or even crumb of food that's ever come from that traitor's hands, here in the center!" Sigrid and Dagur commanded the Berserkers who'd come to their aid, helping to move all of the fruits and bread that's ever been given to them by Johann.

Lucky for them, it hadn't been much. Berserker Island had their own trader after all, but that didn't help tame the fire in the Vikings' stomachs, filled with fury at the betrayal of not only their Chief, but also his soon-to-be-wife.

After lighting the mountain of wood and sustenance on fire with a torch enflamed by Sleuther, the bonfire rose in the open air with tingles of warmth and destruction. It was beautiful.


"I can't believe I didn't suspect anything!" Dagur grumbled in fury as he paced through the living room. "That little twerp played me right under my nose, I can't believe it! You'd think after my whole 'being evil' thing I'd know a thing or two about backstabbers. Which I do, but apparently not enough!"

Whilst Sigrid might've had the initial outburst when Hiccup had first told them the news, it was clear that Dagur was the most audibly furious out of the two of them. Not that it was much of a surprise. In all honesty, it was more shocking that he'd been able to keep himself calm for so long. But now that the bomb had gone off, Sigrid was sure he wouldn't be able to keep his peace for a while.

It was unfathomable to her, the audacity of a man to dribble the ball right in front of their noses - especially her father's - for years. Hel, she'd practically known the man her whole life! Stoick wasn't easily satisfied with his traders, so Sigrid could only imagine the kind of turmoil her father must be going through right now. Hiccup might've assumed that he'd already heard from someone in the archipelago, but that was a foolish assumption.

After all these years, Sigrid had realised that Berk was definitely the outcast of all the other islands, even with her father as their Chief. Berk wasn't taken seriously. That realisation had made her admiration for her now future-father-in-law even greater. Oswald was a good man, and better than any of them could've ever deserved.


"Huh?" Sigrid blinked at Dagur's figure right in front of her, blushing as she realised he'd been trying to gain her attention for a while. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

Dagur uncrossed his arms, letting out a small sigh as he kneeled in front of her seated figure.

"I asked you what you're thinking about right now." Grabbing her hands in his own, he placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "So, I'll ask you again, my beautiful amazing wife-" Sigrid chuckled at the compliments "-how are you feeling?"

"Well, I'm not-so-silently fuming." Sigrid started, chuckling as Dagur nodded with an obvious expression on his face. "I still want to kill him, and... I don't know. I feel like a fool."

"Yeah." Dagur hummed, before a mischievous smirk appeared. "I can imagine what that feels like."

Sigrid snorted, teasingly slapping his arm at what he was talking about. Thinking back on the time when they were teens, and Sigrid had pulled him back by his stupid braid and basically called him dumb to his face. Yeah, she could imagine he felt like they'd made a fool out of him...

"I didn't mean to make a fool out of you, you know?" Sigrid hummed, calmed down now that her attention was driven elsewhere. "We just did what we thought was best, for Berk's safety."

"No, I know." Dagur reassured her with a kiss. "My ego was just stomped on because I was tricked, obviously. But that wasn't really about the whole 'hiding dragons' thing, not completely anyway."

Sigrid blinked.

"It wasn't?" She raised her brow in confusion.

Dagur shook his head, a small blush appearing on his cheeks.

"I was embarrassed because, well, I had a full on, like, obsessive crush on you." Dagur admitted casually, as if this was something they'd talked about before, they had not. "Ever since you 'rescued' me from that 'dragon attack', I fell hopelessly in love with you. Which, yes, I know I had a funny way of showing it."

"Wait, I didn't know that!" Sigrid gasped, raising a hand to cover her mouth in shock before grasping his bicep. "Oh no, now I feel bad, I'm sorry."

Dagur's eyes widened, this was definitely not the conversation he imagined, or hoped for.

"No, no, baby, no." He gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Please don't feel bad, you shouldn't. Oh Thor, now I feel bad!"

Sigrid laughed at the physical cringe running through Dagur's body at the feeling of uncomfortable emotions. He still wasn't used to feeling guilt, and it was obvious.

"We're a mess." She chuckled, feeling a lot better as she kissed him on the cheek. "But I like it that way."

"That's a relief." Dagur teased. "Don't think I can be anything but a mess, to be honest."

"You are a bit much sometimes." Sigrid admitted with a small nod. "But it's okay, you're funny. If you weren't so sweet, and nice, and genuinely a good person, I think I would've just left."

Dagur howled with laughter at that random confession.

"That's fair." His cheeks flushed red, a dopey smile on his face. "I love you."

Sigrid smiled. "I love you too."


"I still want to kill Johann."

Dagur groaned. "If you mention his name again, I definitely will."

"You'll have to fight me for it." Sigrid responded.

Dagur hummed in thought. "Rock, paper, scissors?"

"... Yeah, why not."

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