14. Three Years Later 2/2

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Sigrid was absolutely fuming, embarrassed, and worried, as she and the others were thrown into one of the strange emerald cages on the Reaper. She'd subtlely tried to find a way out, but had been unsuccessful every single time.

The sun was already starting to shine, and suddenly the shipwreck graveyard didn't seem so scary. But maybe that was just the fueled rage directed towards the Berserker Chief that distracted her from her previous thoughts. She just couldn't stand the fact that he'd gotten the upper hand on her this time, he'd never let her live it down. 

"What's wrong, Sigrid? Dragon got your tongue?." Dagur questioned with a teasing grin. "What a shame, I always loved our mutual quips."

But Sigrid didn't respond. She just stared straight back at the Berserker, without a glare, nor a frown. Only the best poker face she could muster, trying to hide her feelings of shame. Dagur, however, was no idiot - at most times - as he'd known the redheaded Haddock since they were children. Hel, she was going to be his wife! She can't hide anything from him. 

Just in time to stop the Berserker from trying to mock her any further, the Reaper's hatch was thrown open, as Hiccup and Toothless appeared from it's depths; a little shaken, but otherwise unharmed. It was obvious that he hadn't noticed the Berserkers yet, but it didn't take him long. 

Toothless started charging his blast, ready to attack, but Hiccup stopped him. 

"Toothless, hold!" He told his companion, who listened begrudgingly.

"Hiccup!" Dagur greeted menacingly, looking down at the boy kneeling on the wooden deck. "Did you miss me? 'Cause I sure missed you. Everyday for three years, I thought about you and your sister." 

Dagur grinning as he stepped to the side, showing the group trapped in the strange metal cage. 

"Sigrid!" Hiccup cried out, whilst the sister in question still stood there, angry and extremely embarrassed.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Sorry, Hiccup!" Astrid jumped in from besides her, knowing the redhead was still refusing to speak with the Berserker present. "They got the drop on us whilst we were searching the-"

"Uh- quiet!" Dagur interrupted with a yell. "Can't you see my brother and I are having a moment?"

Sigrid could see her brother nearly gag at the nickname, he never liked Dagur calling him that, especially since he only started doing it when the two redheads heard of the marriage arrangement; which, mind you, had been annulled for years. 

"I'm not your brother, and we're definitely not having a moment." Hiccup sneered.

"Oh, well, I was..." Dagur shrugged with a lower voice, before he was back in full excitement. "Look at you! All grown up, and quite the ladies man, I'd wager?" 

Hiccup sighed. "Dagur, what do you want?"

"Duh!" Snotlout spoke up from behind Sigrid, still insisting on wearing three ridiculous looking long blonde braids under his helmet, as they fell over his face. "He wants the jewels."

Tuffnut immediately started protesting. 

"He's not getting my family's jewels, no way! And I'll protect them at all costs!" He cried, before his eyes drifted to Snotlout's awful outfit. "...Also, what is with that hair?"

"It's royal hair, I'll have you know." Snotlout boasted. 

This entire interaction, Dagur had just been standing there in amusement. 

"Haven't gotten rid of the Greek Chorus, I see." He hummed, before pointing over to the twins. "Anyway, yes, I'll take the jewels. His too."

One of his men punched Ruffnut right in the stomach, making her cough up the diamonds and gems she'd stuffed in her mouth, as they flew out of her instantly. 

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