25. Hiccup and... Dagur?

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"So, you're telling me that Hiccup told you he was going on a 'quick test drive', and you haven't seen him since then?" Sigrid questioned.

Astrid was nervous, in her own very stubborn way. Which meant that she'd refused to tell anyone, especially Sigrid, about Hiccup's behavior that had led to his disappearance.

"Yes, I haven't. But he'll be fine, Sigrid, he always is."

"He'll be even more fine when I'm there." Sigrid spoke as she went to gather her things. "I'm going to find him."

Astrid groaned, but decided not to argue. "You're so stubborn, you know that?" 

"I've been told that before."


The search for her brother had been difficult so far. There were so many frigging islands around Dragon's Edge, she had a lot of ground to sneak on. She just hoped Viggo didn't get to him, but until now she hadn't seen any ships. Yeah... until she found a ship with recently awaking Hunters on top of it.

Oh boy, please tell me he's not on this island. Sigrid pleaded. But knowing Hiccup, he probably was. She'd never been more thankful for Electrode's speed, as he shocked the Hunters back to sleep, they'd be down for a while.

"Hiccup!" She called out as she and her dragon soared over the land. 

It seems that instead of her brother, she'd gotten the attention of some Hunters... at least, that's what she thought. But they seemed more focused on something else.

As she looked closer, she couldn't believe her eyes. 

"Oh you've got to be kidding me..." She groaned, after spotting her brother and yes she saw that right, Dagur.

They hadn't noticed the Hunter's crossbow yet. 

"Hiccup, watch out!" She cried out.

Of course, instead of listening to her, Hiccup just looked up to the sound of her voice with wide eyes. 

"Sigrid?!" He called out in surprise...instead of dodging.

Luckily, Dagur had a much quicker reaction speed, pushing Hiccup forward onto the ground. The arrow missed its mark on Hiccup, but on Dagur? Not so much.

Sigrid cringed at the sight of the laced arrow in his shoulder blade. And also, it was a very bad shot. This is why you don't use crossbows. The Hunter who fired it wasn't done yet, though, as he came running towards the youngest Haddock with a mace.

"Not on my watch." 

Sigrid had already descended down with Electrode, running with her axe in hand, just like the good old days. 

The Hunter didn't even stand a chance as she grabbed the mace as it attempted to slam down on her brother, watching the man's eyes widen with realization of his fate, before she slammed the heavy metal back against his face.

The Hunter cried out in pain as he was flung across the grass, hitting a tree before passing out, his teeth scattering like a trail towards his unconscious figure. 

Hiccup finally opened his eyes. 

"Sigrid!" He called out, a sheepish look on his face as he noticed her glare. 

Yeah, he was in a lot of trouble. She'd probably tell their dad too, which meant for another scolding.

"Don't 'Sigrid' me, Hiccup!" The redhead snapped, arms crossed in front of her chest like a mother scolding a child. "You flew off this morning. No word, no note, nothing!"

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