42. Trouble on Berserker Island 1/2

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"Hiccup!" Sigrid called out from her place on Electrode's back, greeting her brother and his friends after they'd passed Captain Vorg at the docks.

Dagur was just as excited. "Brother!"

"You all made it!" Heather grinned.

"Stand down, guard." Dagur gestured to the man. "They're on my personal guest list."

Vorg saluted. "Yes, Chief."

Once again, the title send shivers up Dagur's spine, he loved it.

"You hear that, H? Chief!" He laughed, before patting the lad on the shoulder. "Any problems getting here?"

Sigrid rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's excitement with a smile, before pushing through him to hug her brother. Hiccup accepted the greeting with kindness, locking his arms around his sister's waist. He felt a lot more comfortable now, knowing that his sister seemed to hold no suspicions towards him from his nervous debacle with her back on Berk. Which was good, because if she were to send one more questioning eyebrow raise his way, he'd burst.

"No, it was an easy trip." Astrid spoke as she let go of Heather, turning around to give Sigrid a hug as well.

She'd missed her.

"Right up until the time that my name wasn't on the list!" Snotlout spat, still being held back by Captain Vorg, who held his guest list carefully in hand.

Sigrid snorted as Dagur pretended to act innocent.

"It wasn't? Oh, heavens." Dagur spoke with faux-concern, before approaching Vorg.

Hiccup chuckled.

"No, no, it was." He assured. "It was just a slight-"

He didn't even get the chance to explain before Vorg whispered the reasoning in Dagur's ear. In response, the Chief couldn't hold in his laughter before clearing his throat.

"I'm so sorry. I'm usually dead on with remembering names, Snotpocket."

I'm so in love with this man. Sigrid grinned.

Snotlout wasn't so happy about it, from both the extremely insincere apology, as well as Dagur continuing to get his name completely wrong on purpose. He realised he probably wasn't going to have the best time today. But hey, that's what he gets for messing with a Berserker's wife - even if Sigrid wasn't Dagur's wife... yet - Dagur surely hadn't forgotten about the little feud back on Dragon's Edge... and all the countless of other tales that Sigrid had told him about Snotlout's rage-inducing attitude towards her and the other riders.

"They are all more than welcome on our little slice of Berserkedness." Dagur opened his arms, gesturing for everyone to continue further. "You too, Snotlip."

Snotlout grunted as his helmet was slapped over his eyes. Yep, Dagur was going to make his life a living hell.

Dagur really seemed to be in his element, as he gave the other riders a tour of Berserker Island. Definitely not as intimate as the one Sigrid had gotten, wink.

"As you will undoubtedly see for yourselves, the Berserker landscape is only outdone in its majesty by the Berserker people." Dagur gestured around the beautiful lively forest of the island.

There was one thing ruining it though, Sigrid noted with a scowl. Savage's ugly face.

Hiccup noticed the same thing. "Hey, Dagur. Is that Savage?"

Similar reaction to what Sigrid had, but he was definitely a lot more polite about it.

"Yep, yep. Got the band back together." Dagur nodded with a smile. "Yo, Savage!"

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