15. Stoick's Gone Overboard

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"What, you're leaving?!" Sigrid cried out when Hiccup told her the news.

Her brother shrugged.

"Yeah, Sig. We can't afford to go back and forth to Berk all the time, it's exhausting us and our dragons, we need an outpost." He'd explained, but Sigrid still wasn't liking the idea of her little brother leaving Berk... possibly forever.

But it wasn't her choice to make. Hiccup had promised her that once they'd found a place, she could visit whenever she wanted. It's been a while since her brother send her a letter, telling her that they'd found an island, as well as a map of how to reach it, but she had yet to visit.

Now, Sigrid was really regretting not going with her brother when she could. Because as of late, her father had been driving everyone in Berk, including her, absolutely crazy!


"Sigrid!" Her father had woken her up at sunrise, way too early for the woman's standards.

"I need you to rebuild the hut, it's practically falling apart!" He boomed, and Sigrid had grumpily gone up to do such thing, only to find that the hut was perfectly fine, in fact, it was like it was brand new.

But that was only the start of her father's weird behavior. Stoick had also banned her from the training arena, and completely changed it into his own workspace. He'd been bossing the whole town around, and driving them insane with his unnecessary criticism.

"Sigrid!" Stoick's voice called for her again, and again and again.

The Chief hadn't been able to find his daughter all day, and he'd just wanted to ask her to rearrange the weapons by deadliness; something Sven was unable to do. But it seemed that ever since he'd awoken, she was nowhere to be found.

Little did Stoick know, Sigrid was most definitely hiding from him. The other Berkians were more than happy to help the woman hide on their roofs, in their barrels, and even lie to the Chief himself, if only she returned the gesture; which she gladly did.

If her father wouldn't calm down soon, Sigrid couldn't promise that she wouldn't throw an axe his way. No matter how much she loved her father, one can only take so much pestering before they go insane.


Gobber had left Berk about a week ago, and it seemed that her father hadn't even noticed! The redheaded woman couldn't blame the blacksmith for leaving, but Gods, he should've taken her with him! But, as she saw the red-tailed Nightfury land on Berk's grounds, she realised that Gobber hadn't necessarily ran from her father, but he'd ran to Hiccup.

The youngest Haddock shrieked in surprise as he was yanked between the houses by a strong hand, only to have his mouth covered by Sigrid.

"Hiccup, thank Thor you're here." Sigrid whispered in relief, shaking the boy by his shoulders.

Hiccup groaned as he saw the deep blue rings of exhaustion under his sister's dulled eyes, she looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"Sigrid, what's going on?" He asked in concern.

"Dad's driving me crazy." She sneered through gritted teeth. "You need to help us, or else I might kill him."

Admitting to insanity wasn't something the redhead did often, and it was quite obvious she was in disarray. Her hair a loose frilly mess, and giant bags under her eyes, as well as her twitching fingers, told Hiccup that this was a lot more serious than he'd originally thought.

"Okay." Hiccup agreed quickly. "I'll go talk to dad, and you get some sleep, alright?"

Grasping her brother in a tight hug, Sigrid sighed. "I'd love nothing more."

Eventually, Hiccup had somehow convinced their father to leave Berk with him for the day. He'd told his sister they had a 'dragon problem', but Sigrid wasn't sure if that was true, or if he'd fabricated it to win Stoick over, but either or, the redhead didn't care. For the first time in weeks, Sigrid could sleep in her bed, for as long as she wanted, and Berk was peaceful once again. This time, without their Chief.


"What kind of dragon even is that?!" Sigrid had called out in surprise when her father returned home with a giant multicolored dragon.

Stoick chuckled, gently patting the beast's hardy head.

"This is Skullcrusher, my new dragon." He explained, amused by his daughter's bewildered face.

"Still doesn't answer my question, but alright." Sigrid sighed, before giving the dragon a gentle smile.

Raising her hand up to his snout, she let Skullcrusher push his face into her hand, welcoming her warm caress.

"Welcome to the family, bud." She spoke to the dragon, who seemed to purr at her touch.

Much like her father, Skullcrusher was giant, hard-headed and intimidating, but when you got to know them they were soft, protective, and overall -doing their absolute best. And whilst they'd never forget Thornado, the adorable flat pancake of a Thunderdrum, they'd welcome the newly discovered Rumblehorn - which Stoick had explained way later - with open arms, and a high-quality saddle.

"You know." Stoick started whilst he and Sigrid were having dinner. "Your brother is still set on getting you a dragon."

Sigrid groaned dramatically, letting her forehead fall to the wooden table as the cutlery jumped up. "Of course he is."

"I blame you." Sigrid spoke accusingly, pointing her spoon towards the burly Chief, who simply laughed at her dismay.

Oh Hiccup, you just never give up, do you?

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