38. Shell Shocker 1/2

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"Really? 'I'll take that'?" Tuffnut raised a brow at Hiccup's plan. "Seriously, that's the best you can come up with?"

"This is your moment, H. Books will be written about it. Children will act it out. Some adults will act it out, but it won't be as cute as the children. You need a killer catchphrase! One line that will withstand the test of time. As the sand and the oceans pass, your words will remain. -"

Wow, Tuffnut could really talk... a lot.

"-I mean, you've just defeated one of the toughest, most ruthless villains in the world!"

"Who, let's face it, everyone thought was smarter than you." Ruffnut shrugged.

Hiccup raised a brow, before speaking in a sarcastic tone. "Really? Everyone?"

"Well, you know, there's no hard data, but if you had to guess..."

Hiccup sighed. "Okay, I tell you what, I'll work on something cool to say to him when I take him down. Happy?"

Even if the twins weren't satisfied with Hiccup's conclusion, the others sure were. Stoick had never been more proud, and Sigrid had to admit, Hiccup had put a lot of thought into this one. 

It also seems that leading up to the big moment, Hiccup and Astrid were getting  closer and closer. Sigrid found it highly suspicious.

They were definitely together.


"Wait, so they weren't already dating?" Dagur questioned his girlfriend after she finished her gossip, to which Sigrid shook her head. "Wow, figures."

Sigrid shrugged.

"I mean, it's not like it matters. I just wish Hiccup wasn't so hypocritical about it." She rolled her eyes. "He was all up in my business about us, but now that he and Astrid are definitely together, he's trying to hide it from me."

"I mean, I don't blame him for that. I wasn't exactly a good option at first." Dagur defended her brother, to which Sigrid gasped. "Oh come on, baby, it's true. I was quite literally your enemy not long before, so honestly, I don't blame him. I would've done the same if it were Heather... or worse."

"I don't care." Sigrid pouted, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You're cute."

Dagur laughed at her quick change of subject, because she knew he was right. But that didn't stop him from kissing the underside of her jaw.

"No, you're cute."

"No, you." Sigrid shot back with even more kisses.

Dagur paused, pretending to think about it with a comical face. "Hmmm. No, you."

"Are you two coming or what?" Heather impatiently called from the distance, with a raised brow. 

Oh yeah, they had a mission to do. And it seemed like the others were waiting on them to finish hogging each other, oops. Oh well, they'd just have to deal with it, Sigrid's never had a boyfriend before, so they should let her enjoy it.

For Dagur, it was just a little awkward that Stoick was like... right there, and he was sure he felt the Chief's glare at the back of his head. But he wasn't really sure, so he tried not to worry about it.

He'd have to talk to him one day, about dating his daughter. Dagur had something very important to ask him, but he promised himself he'd wait for it. He didn't want to put any pressure on Sigrid.

He sure hoped Stoick would be okay with it...


Just as Hiccup had planned, everyone soared off towards their destination. But when they got to Viggo's base, it was empty. Torn apart as if it was attacked mere moments ago. How strange...

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