50. Ansson the Abominable

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"I can't believe Dagur isn't going with Heather to Vanaheim." Fishlegs turned to Hiccup, after they waved Astrid and Heather goodbye.

"Heather wanted to say goodbye to her father alone." Hiccup shrugged.

Sigrid squeezed Dagur's bicep as they leaned back on the club house's closed entrance. A lot has happened these past few days, and she was really proud of how he'd handled himself so far. After giving him a kiss on the cheek, Dagur returned the gesture by smooching her on the lips instead. He was an utter fool for Sigrid's kisses. To him, they were enchanting. 

"You know what I can't believe, if you flip a yack upside down it can ride itself almost immediately." Tuffnut spoke with full conviction.

Sigrid raised her brow. What was he blabbering about? 

It seemed she wasn't the only one left confused, as Snotlout appeared as the audible question mark of the group. Vocally expressing that he had no clue what, in the name of Thor, Tuffnut was talking about.

"And, I mean, also that we never noticed that Heather had a dragon eye lens smack dab in the middle of her belt." 

That one made a bit more sense. 

Dagur shrugged, before getting up from his leaning position. "Too bad you don't still have the dragon eye, at least then we could look at the other lens."

"Other lens?" Hiccup questioned in confusion, looking at his sister for answers, but she had none.

Before Sigrid could air her confusion, Dagur explained. 

"Well, dad gave us both lenses when we were kids." Dagur spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I used mine to look at stuff, or start fires with the sun."

"Oh!" Sigrid gasped audibly, causing the others to look towards her in question. "I remember that thing. Gods, that was a dragon eye lens? What is my life..." She mumbled. 

"Do you still have it?" Hiccup asked Dagur, ignoring his sister's comments.

Dagur's smile faltered, his face looking a little glum as his green eyes fell to the floor.

"No, but I know who does." He grumbled, before shaking his head and getting back to normalcy. "Anyways, what does it matter. It's not like you have another dragon eye laying around."


"You have another dragon eye laying around..." Dagur trailed off before rolling his eyes. "Of course he does."

"I call it, the dragon eye two!" Hiccup proudly announced as he picked up the new Nightfury inspired dragon eye from its holster. 

The twins snickered from behind them.

"Oh, dragon eye two. That is some weak sauce right there." Ruffnut mocked before crossing her arms. "We're gonna give you a CBB on that."

Hiccup raised his brow, expression wide in confusion. "Uh- I'm sorry, CBB?"

"Contrived by a bonehead." Tuffnut expressed proudly. "It's a technical term. Let me pitch one more before you leave, the Thorston-Thorston."

Sigrid didn't even want to ask, as Tuffnut cupped his hands and raised them above his head, before clashing them together. Whatever 'Thorston-Thorston' meant, it probably wasn't very positive.

"I, for one, think Hiccup should be applauded for his ingenuity." Dagur complimented, before whispering over to him secretively. "It works, right, brother?"

Sigrid had to hold back a chuckle, she probably already knew the answer to that question.

"Well, not quite yet. -" Hiccup admitted.

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