35. Dagur's Return

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Author's Note:

So... I have an announcement.

I've finally finished drafting the last chapter! There will be daily uploads for a little longer, until I've read it all through, and then I'll upload all of the remaining chapters in one go. So, be careful that you won't accidentaly skip a chapter because of the mass upload. 

I hope that you all enjoy the rest of Sigrid's story <3. 

--- reading starts here ---

"So, this hooded stranger. He risked his own life to save you?" Sigrid questioned with a raised brow.

Mala had come to her with a story about her latest experience at the Northern markets, as it was very peculiar to her. Sigrid couldn't help but agree. Surely, no dragon hunter was that kind.

The Queen nodded. "If it weren't for him, who knows what would have happened."

"And you've bought weapons there before, and nothing like this has ever happened?" Sigrid questioned in concern.

Mala nodded. "Yes, for many years. This is the first time this has happened."

"It never used to be like that." Heather spoke up, frowning at the news. "The island was always a peaceful place to trade."

Sigrid hummed, acknowledging Heather's worry. "Well, then maybe it's time we paid the island a visit. What do you think, Hiccup?"

"I agree." Hiccup nodded. "Let's go see what those hunters are up to."


Mala had gifted the three of them a disguise; traditional garments worn by her people, the Defenders of the Wing. It covered their figures from head to toe, only revealing their eyes. It was totally different than their normal clothes, but it would definitely hide them from the Dragon Hunters' eyes.

Sigrid felt a little uncomfortable in the skin-tight material, so used to her loose furs and brown leather. But even she couldn't help but admire her figure in the mirror. Thor, she'd gotten buff.

Electrode definitely wasn't happy about having to leave his rider behind, but unless he wanted them to get caught, he'd have to suck it up. Soon they discovered that the markets were just what had been described; busy and filled with suspicious Vikings. Sigrid could spot the dragon hunters in an instant, as they stuck out like sore thumbs with their stupid looking faces amongst the normal crowd.

"That's a lot of hunters." Hiccup noted. "Whoever that hooded stranger was, he's right. It's not safe here."

Sigrid snorted. "And yet, here we are."


Soon, they found the Iron Mason who Mala had spoken about. It was very clear that he was selling to the Hunters only... for whatever reason.

Sigrid noticed that one of the hunters was following them. Dang it, he must've spotted Hiccup's pegleg, literally the only thing that could've given them away. Now, she'd just have to wait for the moment to strike. But Toothless was faster, protective of his rider, as he blasted the hunters, making them dodge out of sight. Quickly, panic broke out on the island. Now, they needed to run.


They'd found a safe space near island's dock. Sigrid made sure that they weren't followed, before checking in on her brother and Heather.

"We're okay, Sigrid." Hiccup assured her fussing.

Satisfied with his answer, after making sure of it herself, Sigrid allowed herself to be distracted by the group of hunters near the docks. They'd have to be careful to not gain their attention, she thought, until she took note of a very familiar laugh... and arm.

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