26. The Scourge of Odin

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It's been weeks since Sigrid last saw Dagur, and ever since then he's consistently been on her mind, embarrassingly enough. Where was he? Was he safe? Would he come to see her on Dragon's Edge? He knew where it was after all. Or was he doing his own thing now? Without the Dragon Hunters.

Those were the thoughts going through her head as she patrolled around the vast area of Dragon's Edge. Having the second fastest dragon of the group had its perks, and to Sigrid this was one of them; even if the twins openly judged her for it. She could patrol the area twice as fast as the others - excluding Toothless of course - and it had proven itself to be quite useful until now. 

The sun was starting to rise, as she and Electrode flew through the sky, scouting across the ocean. It'd been nothing but water so far, which was good, until she spotted something in the distance. 

"Do you see that too, bud?" She questioned Electrode, who chirped in response. 

Taking out her spyglass, she studied the large shadow. 

"A fishing boat?" She raised her brow, what was it doing out there all on it's own?

She decided to explore, to make sure that there was nothing weird going on. She'd never forgive herself if she skipped over anything, no matter how small it seemed.

As she dismounted Electrode on the ship's deck, she felt a shiver roll up her spine. Something didn't feel right.

Taking out her axe, Sigrid snuck towards the boat's entrance, signaling for Electrode to watch her back. The Skrill let his lightning tingle across his wings in response, ready to shock anyone if they ran for the attack. But the ship was so empty, so vacant and quiet. It was suspicious.

Where was everyone? 

Sigrid was ready to turn around and leave, before she heard a breathless wheeze further into the ship. Raising her axe, she decided to face the stranger head on.

"What's that smell?" Sigrid cringed from attacking stench as she entered the area, eyes narrowing as she tried to scan wall to wall. 

But what she saw, she could've never prepared for. Sigrid shrieked at the horrifying sight before her. It couldn't be, could it? These were legends, folk tales told to them as children. They had been past this, had they?

A pale green hand reached up towards her, from the man that had been groaning before. Sigrid jumped back as he scratched at her arm, leaving three deep marks in her pale freckled skin. It stung, leaving her frightened. Sigrid had never run away as fast in her life. 


When she arrived back on the Edge, Sigrid realised she'd never felt this cold. She must've looked dreadful, and to be honest, she felt it. Luckily she hadn't eaten recently, or else that would've been thrown right up. 

Her brother looked up in concern, something wasn't right with his sister. 

"Sigrid, are you okay?" Hiccup asked as he approached her. "Did you see something on patrol?"

Sigrid didn't speak, she couldn't. So she hummed. 

"Oh, I love this game!" Tuffnut interrupted Fishlegs, who had been guessing what had left Sigrid so shocked. "Now it's my turn, everyone quiet! Sigrid, is what you found bigger than a yak box?"

Sigrid really didn't have the energy to deal with his shenanigans right now. 

"I found a fishing boat." She answered, as Tuffnut let out a disappointing groan. 

"It was just drifting out there, we went to take a closer look to make sure it wasn't dangerous, but what we found inside was just..."

Snotlout was starting to get anxious.

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