45. Sibling Troubles

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"Okay... So...-" Sigrid started with a sign after her brother's long explanation of the events of the past weeks. 

"-You're telling me that Dragon's Edge almost burned down, the Riders and Berk fought against this man named Krogan and his crew who ride Singetails, Spitelout actually did something helpful, you were living with the Defenders of the Wing temporarily... and you didn't think to Terror mail me at any point during any of this?"

Not exactly in that order, but yes. 

"And Viggo is alive." Hiccup pointed out.

"And Viggo is still alive." Sigrid groaned. "And he has the original Dragon Eye, I know."

Hiccup shrugged, that was basically all there was to say. "I just figured that since you're going to be Berserker Chieftess and all, that we shouldn't rely on you for help. You're busy!"

"Are you kidding me, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock?!" 

Oh boy, she used his full name, that meant business. Hiccup cringed at his sister's loud tone. Sure, he knew he messed up by not writing to her in weeks, but it honestly hadn't even come to mind during all of the chaos. Even Stoick hadn't thought about it, when he'd come to Berk to help against the Singetails... maybe he should've thought about that more.

"I might be marrying Dagur, but I'm still your sister! And still a Berkian for that matter." Sigrid crossed her arms with a disappointed frown. "And don't even get me started on Krogan. Hiccup, I have a Skrill! Do you not understand how handy that would've been?"

"...You might have a point." Hiccup thought. "Skrills are the natural predator of Singetails, but we didn't want any dragons to get harmed, Sigrid."

"You think I would let that happen?" Sigrid raised her brow in offense. "Do you really think so little of me that I couldn't even keep my own dragon under control? Or worse, do you think that just because I'm getting married that I won't be able to partake in battle anymore? Is that it?!"

"No, no, no, no." Hiccup insisted quickly. "Sigrid, it's not like that."

"Then what is it?" Sigrid questioned, her shoulders shaking as she aired her frustrations. "I'm your sister, I have always been there for you. So then why do you want to shut me out?"

Hiccup groaned, that's not what he meant at all. "I'm not trying to shut you out."

"Oh really?" Sigrid spoke in disbelief. "Because it sure seems like it."

"You won't always be there, Sigrid." Hiccup defended. "Do you just want us to be reliable on you all the time?"

"No!" Sigrid furrowed her brow. "I just want my brother to trust me."

Hiccup frowned. "Well, maybe I just want my sister to trust me."

"Fine." Sigrid sneered, turning her back on her brother as she walked away.

"Fine." Hiccup retorted, walking in the opposite direction.

So much for a nice family catch-up. Dagur and Heather watched the scène before them in bewilderment. They hadn't even gotten a word in before the siblings had stormed off, with steam coming out of their ears. They had a lot of work to do.

"You take Hiccup, I'll take Sigrid." Dagur nodded towards his sister, who agreed.

"I was about to say, I am not talking to your 'beloved' right now." Heather shuddered as she looked at the direction Sigrid walked off to.

She's really scary when she's angry.

Dagur shrugged, not seeing the issue. "That's not why I'm going with her, Heather. I agree with Sigrid, I'm angry too. I want to talk it through with her, that's all."

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