62. A New Alpha

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"So, have you and Dagur talked about... you know..."

"Having kids" Sigrid raised a brow, chuckling at her father's hesitance. "Yes, we have."

Stoick tried not to show it, but the tinge of excitement was obvious at it shone in his eyes. This is the first time he's ever brought up the subject, and Sigrid wondered if it was because he didn't want to make her feel like he was pushing her, like he had pushed her into dragon fighting. Even though it was in his best intentions, Stoick still felt a sense of guilt about how Berk used to be, before Hiccup turned their lives around.

Sigrid took note of his silence, as if he was unsure if he should ask further. 

"Don't worry, Dagur definitely wants kids. The only thing is that we're just not sure when, you know? But, I have to admit, it's not like we've actively been trying to avoid getting pregnant either. So, who knows... maybe it'll happen sooner than we think."

Stoick nodded, not even bothered by the unnecessary extra information of his daughter's private life. 

"Well, just promise me that when it happens, I'll be first to know. Well, first after your husband, of course."

Sigrid laughed. "Of course."


"May the Valkyries welcome you, and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla, and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of Kings. For a great man has fallen, a warrior, a Chieftain, a father, a friend."

With a bow in hand, Sigrid grasped the arrow in the other tightly, as if the force of it could bring her father back to life. Perhaps Odin would show them mercy, and he'd rise from the boat ahead with a bellowing laugh, and all would be well.

But, that didn't happen.

The fire by her side was intense, and she imagined it was Logi's way of scolding her for not doing enough.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Hiccup ready his bow, as he pulled the string tightly. In turn, she did the same, tilting the arrow up into the air before looking at him once again. The siblings stared at each other, both of their eyes reflecting more than their words ever could, before they nodded, and released the arrows. 

After the others shot their fires at the boat in the distance, Sigrid watched it burn with a sense of distance, as if that wasn't her father's body leaving this world to move on to the next. It felt easier that way, or perhaps this was her first step into acceptance. After all the deaths she'd witnessed, and losses she felt, maybe she was finally starting to go numb. Or perhaps, it would all come crashing down after this was all over, if it would ever be over.

But, one thing she just couldn't shake off her shoulders...

"I- I have a confession to make." Sigrid started, and it immediately put everyone on their toes. 

With all eyes on her, Sigrid was starting to feel nervous. Brushing a couple loose strands of red hair behind her tiara, she felt herself go shy. Her brother was staring at her with anticipation, almost as if he was worried for her life. After all of this, it was understandable. 

"I'm..." She didn't know how to say it, taking a deep breath before speaking again. "I'm pregnant."


"Really?" Astrid was first to speak after the deafening silence, and Sigrid nodded. "Oh my Thor, congratulations!"

Carefully, the blonde wrapped her arms around the taller Viking, giving her a gentle squeeze. Sigrid felt herself melt into the hug, and suddenly all of the feelings she'd been holding back came crashing through all at once. Tears welling up in her eyes, she grasped Astrid tighter as she felt herself start to shake. 

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