22. Bonding with Electrode

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After gathering up the courage, Fishlegs had revealed that Electrode was in fact male, a discovery he got just a little zapped for. This didn't really mean much, except for the fact they'd have to be attentive during breeding season, just incase the lad would want to fly off, they'd know where he'd gone off to.

For Sigrid, she cared more about getting to know the Skrill if anything. She'd seen bits and pieces of his personality during their rescue mission, as well as their time spend together in the woods, but if she wanted to train this dragon she'd have to know the dragon. She'd learn about him, so in turn, he could learn about her. So the woman did what had worked for her before, sitting in an open field with Electrode, and letting him do his thing. She tried her best not to overly acknowledge the dragon, in fear he'd be intimidated by her watchful eye, instead she just let him wander - just like she'd done before - with her eyes watching the sky above. Peaceful, and silent.

Electrode seemed comfortable, at least. It felt like the dragon hadn't seen nature at ease in centuries, which was quite possibly true, as Skrill's could freeze themselves for hundreds of years at a time. Sigrid couldn't image what the dragon must've been through in his lifetime. Now that she thought about it, she had no clue how old the dragon actually was. Maybe she'd never know, she had no idea how to check; or if she even could.

Now, her dragon was entertained, but Sigrid had to be honest, she was getting a little bored. Her blue eyes looked around, wondering what she could do that would a, be fun, and b, not scare the Skrill. Feeling around in her pockets, she silently cheered when discovering that she hadn't forgotten to pack one of her smaller daggers. Taking the piece of shining metal out of its hiding place, she twirled it around in her fingers, taking in every carved detail of the sharp weapon.

It was beautiful, the dagger. Handcrafted by Gobber himself, like practically all weapons on Berk were. But this one was special, her father had told her himself, as it was commissioned by him as a birth gift for his firstborn child, her. Her mother had scolded him, jokingly, each time he brought up the tiny dagger in conversation. It was one of Sigrid's fondest memories still left of her mother. And although they were blurry, she treasured them all the same.

Where was her mother now? Surely dead, eaten by a dragon. That's what everyone had said. Sigrid always held hope that her mother had survived the attack, even with everyone telling her otherwise. That was until her brother came back with a trained Nightfury, revealing that the dragons were raiding them to bring things to the nest, to offer them to their Queen, the Red Death. In that moment, Sigrid lost all hope. Her mother could survive a lot, she was sure, but being dropped in the gaping mouth of that monstrous beast was not one of them. So now, she tended to believe the stories told on Berk, for she had no other reality to grasp onto.

Did Dagur miss Oswald? Sigrid's mind began to wonder. According to the redheaded lad himself, his father had retired, and he'd definitely hinted at killing the Agreeable Chief himself. Were his stories actually true? Sigrid had always wondered. Sure, the boy was criminally insane, but she didn't see him as the father-killing type. Ironically enough, as he seemed to have no trouble burning other villages to the ground. Was Oswald even dead? Sigrid had no answer. It saddened her, to think that the boy she grew up with - and was supposed to marry - did in fact kill his own father, the one person that made Sigrid's seemingly inevitable fate on Berserker Island seem sort of alright.

Sigrid shook her head, was she going crazy? Why was she thinking about Dagur in the first place? To be fair, it wasn't that rare that the Berserker Chief was on her mind. I mean, she'd known him for almost her whole life, they'd been engaged, arranged or not, and were now sworn enemies fighting against opposites sides of a war for years. Strange to see how life evolves.

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