18. Siblings Stick Together

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Sigrid, dragons hunters have captured Stormfly. We need your help. Meet us on Dragon's Edge, preferably with a dragon.

Your brother, Hiccup. 

Sigrid rolled her eyes at the sarcastic comment in her brother's terror mail. But the seriousness of the context didn't fail to worry her. If her brother was writing to her during such a threat, it must be very serious. 

Hey, dad?" She turned towards her father, who was busy working at the table, writing up some plans for Berk.

Stoick didn't even lift his gaze from the ink filled papers, just humming in acknowledgement, gesturing for her to finish her question. 

"Can I borrow Skullcrusher for a bit?" She asked with a hopeful tone.

He didn't really have a reason so say no. Hel, he barely had time to ride Skullcrusher himself as of late. Not that the Rumblehorn minded, he loved just prancing around Berk looking out for everyone, much like Stoick himself. 

Stoick, rubbing between his brows before he nodded. "Alright, but don't make it too long." 


Skullcrusher was a little apprehensive about deterring from his 'Chiefly duties', but he complied eventually. He and Sigrid met the dragon riders on their home on Dragon's Edge, before they left for the beach where Stormfly had been shot down. They needed something, anything for the Rumblehorn to be able to track the lost dragon, but so far they'd found nothing. 

Astrid groaned, anxiety rising as she searched through the sand. "There has to be some clues here somewhere. Something." 

"How many cages were there?" Hiccup asked, kneeled down after studying an abandoned campfire. 

Astrid's hands were tight on her hips, her gaze wide and stressed. 

"Remember all the cages we saw on the Reaper?" She asked Hiccup, who nodded. "Double it."

"Yikes." Sigrid sighed, that definitely wasn't good, and at the moment they were clueless.

The twins approached the trio, disappointment clear on their faces. 

"We got nothing." Tuffnut huffed, slumping over as he walked forward with his sister. 

Ruffnut seemed equally as grumpy, as her arms crossed over her chest with a frown. 

"Just a bunch of trash." She said. "Looks like these Dragon Hunters are also litter bugs!"

"Yeah, there should be some sort of penalty or fine for littering." Her brother slammed his fist in his palm. "I mean, am I wrong, people? What if everyone were this careless and inconsiderate? What then, huh? Where would we be then?" 

Tuffnut finished his rant, and started to violently sob in his hands. Meanwhile, Snotlout slammed down the lid of the chest he'd been searching, coming out with nothing. 

"I knew coming here was a bad idea." Snotlout spoke with hands on his hips. "What did we hope to find anyway?"

"Anything for Skullcrusher to track." Sigrid called back behind her in annoyance.

Why did he always have to be such a whiny brat about everything? As if they needed to spoon feed it to him. Suddenly, a nasty sounding crunch was heard, before Snotlout cried out in pain. 

"OW! Something bit me!" He bellowed, flailing down on the sand. "I'm allergic to sand crabs, they make my toes fan out! Ow, ow, ow!"

Sigrid hurried over to the wounded Viking, kneeling down as she hushed his pained rambling softly. The glaring emerald shard in Snotlout's harmed foot stole her attention instantly, and she carefully yanked it from the leather sole as the others approached. Putting a hand in Snotlout's face, she gained his attention as he stared at her fingers in confusion. She raised three fingers, before letting one fall by the second, using the other hand to quickly yank the shard out as the last finger fell. 

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