21. Sigrid's First Dragon

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Ever since the Skrill encounter, Sigrid had been very busy with her hut. And if it wasn't for everyone wanting to chime in with her plans, she'd gotten it done a while ago.

Astrid was sure she needed her own launch spot, whilst the twins were convinced she needed a mud pile. Fishlegs was positive she needed her own quiet space, and Snotlout... well, he didn't really care.

Sigrid was glad to see that her hut was almost finished, which meant she could officially move out of her brother's, finally! Not that she didn't love her brother to death, she just didn't overly enjoy sharing a room with him. He snores...

In the meantime, she really needed to get some more logs, and there was only one place to find them. The woods, obviously. Not only was the Dragon Edge wilderness great for finding resources, but also for some peace and quiet, and Thor knows that Sigrid really needed that at the moment.


The splashing of the thurough river was enough to calm Sigrid's mind, as she decided to take a break from all of her hard word, and sit down in front of the waters shore. Legs crossed over one another, she took a deep breath in, and let a deep breath out. With her eyes closed, her ears noted all of the normal sounds of fauna and flora throughout the island. As far as her hearing could reach, of course. After all of that Dragon Hunter drama, a moment of rest like this was crucial for one's sanity. Especially one as rageful as Sigrid.

She just didn't expect that once she opened her eyes that there would be reptilian pupils staring right back at her.

Sigrid gasped, her figure flinching as she fell slightly backwards, her arms catching her from landing on the ground. The dragon seemed a little jumpy by her reaction, but not entirely surprised. The one who seemed the most surprised was the viking herself, she thought she'd never see the dragon again.

"H-hello?" Sigrid questioned as she straightened up, eyes darting back and forth from the Skrill to the surrounding trees. "Uh- it's been a while, huh?"

The Skrill huffed, but otherwise sat perfectly still. Waiting for something, something Sigrid didn't know.

"Uhm..." The woman paused once again, not really sure of what to do. But there was one way to always please a dragon. "Are you hungry?"

The Skrill roared, yes, it was hungry. But, what do you feed a Skrill?


Sigrid's new task hadn't been an easy one. She was soaking wet from head to toe, after having caught some stubborn fishes in a sturdy net. But the Skrill had turned its nose up for all of them so far. So far, it didn't like trout, salmon, cod, char, mackerel, halibut and herring...which was pretty much all they had.

Sigrid sighed, she probably should've asked Fishlegs for help before diving into the waters, but she doubted any of the riders would react calmly at the Skrill's sudden appearance. And Odin knows how the Skrill would react.

In her mind, Sigrid was counting every possible fish she could possibly feed a dragon without either drowning herself or accidentally killing the dragon from food poisoning. A spark went off in her mind, but she questioned herself, no dragon had liked this fish before -and honestly, neither did Vikings- but it was worth a try.


"Really? You like those?" Sigrid questioned the dragon as it gulped down a long slimy eel, gurgling with cheer at the supposed delicious meal. "I guess it makes sense, with electricity and all."

Now, Sigrid didn't know what to do. The Skrill seemed pleased with it's basket full of eels, but other than getting fed, Sigrid didn't know if the dragon wanted anything to do with her. However, seeing from the silence on Dragon's Edge, no one else had seen the Skrill yet, meaning it had gone straight to her. But what did that mean?

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