63. Firstborn of Berserker Island

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Returning to Berserker Island had been... hectic, to say the least. But, after being pulled into the most loving hug by her husband, Sigrid couldn't stop the butterflies from fluttering around in her growing stomach. It seemed that news had already reached them before she could tell them herself, but it actually turned out that her brother had send a Terror mail explaining everything before she'd even left Berk. Typical.

Dagur had been a little hesitant to start the conversation about Stoick's death, specifically about how Sigrid was handling it. Especially after knowing how she handled her mother's 'death'. But, even to her own surprise, Sigrid had been... okay. Sure, she was absolutely distraught when her father died, and was very much still grieving. However, slowly but surely, she could feel herself start to live again. She was starting to feel peace. 

"We had a funeral, and I got to say everything I wanted to before he even died. I-... I think I'm going to be okay." 

Dagur definitely cried after that, he was so proud of her. This was a totally different woman from the one who had mourned for her mother, even after twenty years. The same woman who used to weaponize her loss, and used it as an excuse to tell herself she wasn't good enough. But this fight, this war, it had changed her perspective, at least a little bit. 

Speaking of Dagur, during the last trimester of Sigrid's pregnancy he'd become a great pain in her butt. In all honesty, he'd been nothing but an excited father-to-be, but that meant that he was terrified of Sigrid doing anything, in fear that it could cause harm to either her or the baby.

"Are you alright, darling? Are you comfortable?" Dagur asked for the hundreth time, as he fluffed her pillow once more. 

He'd rather die than have his wife rest against a non-fluffed pillow. Sigrid predicted she'd have to re-stitch the seams next month from how rough he was handling the fabric, as if he was trying to strangle it into submission. 

"Dagur, honey, I'm fine." Sigrid assured. "Stop worrying so much. I'm pregnant, not dying."

"I know." Dagur shrugged as if he hadn't been going haywire for months. "I just wanna take care of you, baby. Since... you know, you're carrying my baby."

Sigrid chuckled, pulling him down for a kiss. "I love you, you silly man."

"Haven't heard that one before, usually people just call me deranged."


If she thought that Dagur had been going mad before, imagine how he was when she was actually giving birth.

"Do you need anything, darling? Do I need to hold your hand? Do you need some water, maybe food? You're doing so well, I'm so proud of you. Do you need me to get you anything? Anything at all?"

Incredibly sweet of course, but not very helpful when you're dilating in such a painfull way, to the point you're struggling to even breath. 

It got so bad that even Heather was this close to kicking him out, as the one helping deliver the baby. But, even as the midwife, it was still up to Sigrid to call the shots. Not only was she the one in delivery, she was also the Chieftess, Mrs Deranged if you will.

"Dagur, brother, will you please shut up!

That seemed to do it... for a minute.

"I can't believe this is happening. Oh gods, this is terrifying. I'm terrified. Ugh, I hate that feeling. Yuck. But I'm so proud of you, darling! You're doing so well. I could never do what you're doing right now, you're so much stronger than me-"

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