4. Horrendous Haddock

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"Alright recruits.-" Gobber greeted the teens as they entered the arena. 

Sigrid could see the excitement on some faces, whilst the others seemed nervous. They were right to feel that way. 

"-Today I won't be teaching alone, as I've invited a special guest to join us for today's session"

"Oh no." Hiccup mumbled, it didn't take a genius to think of who Gobber might've brought in.

 The boy only knew of one stubborn Viking, one that just couldn't sit still. Astrid glanced over to him with a glare, what did he know? 

"Our special guest is not only a great warrior, but also the winner of the last dragon tournament." Oh yeah, he was right. "Allow me to introduce; the slayer of demons, snapper of spines, and firstborn of our great Chief, Stoick the Vast.-"

"Perfect." Hiccup mumbled with great sarcasm, whilst the others seemed to stare on with wide eyes.

It was obvious that the twins had no clue what was going on - and honestly didn't care - whilst Fishlegs looked anxious no matter what, and Snotlout stood awfully arrogant as if nothing bothered him. As the only exception, Astrid seemed to be the most excited, but also slightly twitchy. Hiccup could swear it was the first time he'd seen her eyes shine with something other than bloodlust. 

"-Sigrid the Relentless!"

With heavy steps, the tall viking stepped forward from the shadowed entrance of the arena. Feeling all eyes on her, she smirked, her cheeks tinting pink with a slight flush of shyness.

Glancing over towards her brother, she noticed that he stood awfully uncomfortable besides the others, but perhaps he was just embaressed to have his sister watch him train. Fair enough. Sigrid remembered when her father insisted on watching her progress, and how tense she felt to have him witness her every mistake. It still send shivers up her spine.

"Morning everyone." Sigrid greeted.

"Morning." The group responded in harmony, making the redhead smile.

Gobber stepped back in, taking over the room with a booming voice, you could tell he was excited for today. 

"Sigrid here will be watching you closely, so be sure to not embarrass yourselves." He grinned mischievously, watching some of their faces cringe.  

"Zippleback, huh?" Sigrid asked the man.

She and Gobber took their watchful place from outside the metal ringed bars, looking down on the nervous teens as they paired off in two's, bucket of water in hand. 

"Yep." Gobber spoke, picking his ear with his pointed hook. "Can't wait to see this mess."

Sigrid chuckled, as she remembered her training days. 

"It's not an easy dragon, that's for sure." She studied the figures below, watching them bicker back and forth. "And they don't seem very...close."

She was absolutely correct. Not one of the group members seemed to get along, and to be successful in the battlefield they'd have to work together. Suddenly, Sigrid had a suspicion on why Hiccup seemed so tense to see her; this was embarrassing. 

The teens fell one by one, failed by their own lack of attention, as not one seemed to find the correct head, all wasting their only savior; the water bucket. She saw Fishlegs throw the water at one of the heads, soaking it. If only it was the right head. 

But Hiccup was lucky, he was the only one left, and he just saw that he had to hit the other head. Sigrid was at the edge of the seat, and she couldn't help but yell. 

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