32. Queen Mala 1/2

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It's been weeks since Dagur died, and Sigrid wasn't feeling any better. She'd consoled in her brother, as she felt she had to be honest with him about her feelings. Hiccup understood, but he also felt like his sister wasn't telling him everything.

"You're not actually thinking of doing this, are you, Hiccup?" Astrid questioned the boy as he stared at the Maces and Talons board in front of him.

His confrontation with Viggo had left him pondering, unsure of what to do. Should he trust Viggo's word, or should he figure out just what exactly he was planning? The latter proved to be very difficult.

"Uh, Hiccup, the map is over here." Astrid pointed as Hiccup continued to sit on his separate stool.

"Yeah." Hiccup acknowledged. "But the answers are over here."

Sigrid stood tensely at the table, cradling her arms as she had been for the past few weeks with a frown on her face. She didn't like that her little brother was suddenly thrown into the deep once again. She felt her heartbeat in her throat at the thought of something happening to Hiccup, just like Dagur.

"I think we can assume that Viggo wouldn't give up any more territory than he has to. So, whatever he wants to keep us away from is going to be right on the edge of the line. Here." Hiccup pointed on the map, sure of his statement. "This is where we start."

If Hiccup was confident about it, Sigrid would follow him until the end of the earth.

"There it is." Hiccup spoke as they flew closer towards the island.

Astrid pointed towards a piece of land. "There's a village in the clearing to the west."

"Strange looking buildings." Hiccup noted as he studied closer with his spyglass. "Not Viking or Hunter, and check out that statue."

He was fascinated.

"Fishlegs, can you make out what kind of dragon that's supposed to be?"

Passing his spyglass over, Fishlegs took a turn in studying the statue.

"Looks like a Boulder class to me, but not one I've seen before."

That was unusual, Fishlegs knew basically every dragon in existence.

"Let's go ask 'em." Snotlout chuckled, as he went to soar forward.

Sigrid wasn't going to let that pass.

"Whoa, whoa whoa!" She halted him. "We don't know if they're friend or foe, we should do some surveillance first."

"Sigrid has a point." Hiccup spoke. "We'll land over in that forest and then try to move in for a closer look."

The island was strange to say the least, not unlike Hiccup had spotted before. It was unfamiliar, and yet it felt peaceful. But the weirdest thing they'd come to find out was that the island seemed almost empty. 

"The village didn't seem like much." Astrid said. "Why wouldn't Viggo want us to find it?"

Hiccup shrugged.

"I don't know yet." He admitted. "I'm just happy to be one step ahead for a change."

Viggo was a very intelligent character, which made him annoyingly hard to figure out. It was a shame he was so good at running, otherwise Sigrid would've liked to grab him by the throat for the headache he had been causing them.

Suddenly, Sigrid's vision went black after something shot her in her back. The last thing she felt before her eyes closed was the soul destroying dread that she had failed to protect her brother and his friends from a possibly tragic end.

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