69. The Pageant

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Author's Note

Only one more chapter left after this 😢. I'll save it for tomorrow, for sentimental reasons.

I hope you've all enjoyed this story so far! Thank you for the love and support <3!!!

--- reading starts here ---

"You want to arrange a pageant?" Sigrid raised her brow. "You. A pageant."

"Yes, me, a pageant." Hiccup rolled his eyes. "I want to do something nice for the kids, Sig. To show them a more positive side of dragons."

"Well, my kids think that dragons are pretty neat." Sigrid boasted, holding a hand up to her chest in emphasis. "I think it's rather ironic that yours don't."

Hiccup sighed. "I know."

"And if I say yes, what would you want me to do?" Sigrid raised her brow.

"Well..." Hiccup waved his arms side to side. "I was hoping that you'd be willing to play-"

"I'm not going on stage."

Hiccup paused for a second, his plans foiled. He'd need to quickly think of something else.

"Nevermind, we'll let it be a surprise."

Sigrid nodded. "Seems like a good plan. But, if you need someone to lift anything heavy, just ask Dagur."

"If I ask Dagur, he's going to take over the entire production." Hiccup predicted. "So I'll pass, but thank you for the offer."

"Are you two talking about me?" Dagur called over from the outside.

"No!" The Haddocks answered in sync.

After making sure that he wasn't going to burst in from curiosity, Sigrid spoke again.

"Well, if you want help from someone who isn't going to take over the entire production, just ask Oswald. He's pretty strong for a kid, and he likes theatre. He might enjoy it."

Hiccup hummed. "I'll think about it. Might be nice for him to spend some time away from his siblings."

"If you tell him that, he'll certainly help." Sigrid laughed. "But seriously, I think he'd like it if you asked."

Hiccup smiled. "I'll keep it in mind."


"Noooo, dad. The snowman has to go over there." Sylvie tapped the snowy ground beneath her feet. "If you put him over here, we won't be able to see him from the house!"

"Okay, okay. Sorry." Dagur corrected himself, pushing the large ball of snow right where his daughter wanted. "This better?"

Sylvie hummed, holding her hand up to her chin, before making her decision. "Good enough."

"No, Feyris. You make Valkyries like this." Tove directed, laying back down on the snow as she waved her arms and legs up and down. "Now you do it."

Feyris giggled, flopping backwards on the snow as he started to flap his arms back and forth towards the sky. Again, unsuccessful in his snow-Valkyrie making skills.

"Noooo." Tyra halted him. "Like this."

Even with their counseling, Feyris still wasn't getting it. Perhaps he was doing it on purpose, or maybe he just liked having his sisters' attention.

Heather chuckled as she watched from the veranda, before making her way down to the struggling children. Sitting down in the snow next to the wee lad, she gently guided his arms to wave up and down, halfway creating a snow-Valkyrie.

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