9. Dragon Island

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"For the last time, Hiccup. I don't need my own dragon." Sigrid insisted, for what felt like the hundredth time. 

Hiccup has been craving for his sister to find her own dragon, and ever since her father tamed Thornado he was convinced that Sigrid needed a dragon of her own. But the redhead didn't seem too keen on the idea, still a bit uncomfortable at the thought of cuddling up with a dragon after having killed so many over the years. It just felt too awkward!

"Well, you can't just ride Thornado whenever you want." Hiccup argued, struggling to keep up with her fast pace as she marched through Berk. "What if we need you, and dad is using Thornado? You saw what happened with us and Toothless, it just doesn't work!"

"That won't happen." Sigrid shrugged her shoulders, stubborn as ever, and she sure wasn't about to let her little brother tell her differently. 

Hiccup rolled his eyes. 

"Fine." He grumbled. "You're the boss."

Sigrid smirked, puffing her chest out in victory. Continuing to make their way towards the arena it was like a spark lit up above Hiccup's head, as he suddenly got a great idea. 

"Hey, Sig?" He asked. "How do you feel about joining us for tomorrow's training mission? It's Astrid's turn to make the plan, so I figured you might enjoy it."

A very tempting offer, Sigrid thought. She'd taught the young blonde practically everything she knew, and if the gang's complaining had been held even the slightest bit of accuracy, Astrid's training would be tough and merciless. Just how she liked it. 

Well, it's not like she had anything else to do. 

"I'd love to." She smiled, letting her brother guide her towards the others, as they readied for Astrid's plan. 

Sigrid couldn't wait to hear what she had come up with. Entering the arena, the gang's brows raised in question as her figure entered by Hiccup's side. 

"Sigrid will be joining us for tomorrow's training mission, if that's alright with all of you?" It wasn't really a question, as Hiccup had already decided, but he allowed them to have the illusion of a choice. 

How sneaky

Astrid smiled, standing at the wooden board, a hand-drawn map stuck in the middle of it. 

"That would be great!" She spoke. "At least someone will take my plan seriously."

The others groaned, making Astrid frown.

"What?" The blonde questioned, arms waving around in offence. 

"Your training missions are so hard." Fishlegs complained with a defeated look on his pink, chubby face. 

Astrid rolled her eyes, hands stanced on her hips defensively. 

"They are not!" She insisted.  

"Hand to claw combat?" Fishlegs reminded her, raising his bandaged hand for all to see. 

His Gronckle, Meatlug, licked his hand apologetically. That can't be hygienic, Sigrid thought. Fishlegs smiled at his dragon, before giving her a good cuddle. 

"Spine dodging?" Snotlout sneered.

"Hot lava swimming?" Tuffnut shrugged. 

Astrid raised a brow. "We never did that."

"Yeah, but we should've, way better than hand to claw combat." Tuffnut added. 

Their constant complaining was making Sigrid overly curious about what 'hand to claw combat' actually entailed. I mean, she got the gist of it - obvious name and all - but she'd be sure to ask Astrid about it later. Maybe she'd let Stormfly take her for a tumble. 

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