48. A Trip to Vanaheim 2/2

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The island of Vanaheim truly was a fascinating place. With many secrets, holes in mountains and places hidden off to the side, the island felt peaceful and empty. Which, for the riders, was a bad sign. So far, they'd searched through what must've been most, if not all, of Vanaheim, but they still hadn't found anything about Oswald, and Dagur was starting to get upset.

"Trying to think positively here." He grumbled with a sing-song tone - his way of trying to distract his anger - as they made their way on the beach. "But it feels like we've been walking in circles."

Fishlegs gasped. 

"Wait, I found something." After studying a fallen tree trunk, he picked something out of it. "I've never seen teeth like this before. Maybe sharp class?"

"And there are more over here." Hiccup noted as he studied the ground where he stood.

Sigrid was glad that the two were there to help them, nerdy detective work included. She would've completely skipped over that.

"Guh-reat!" Dagur dragged out sarcastically, his arms flailing around. "So, besides finding a bunch of dragon teeth, the diary let us to another dead end. Yippee." He sneered before angrily leaning against a builder.

Sigrid frowned, so much for that promise on Dragon's Edge, but she understood. If this was about her dad, she would be at her wits end too.

"We've got to be missing something." Fishlegs' brow furrowed as he studied the diary.

Well, duh, obviously. Sigrid rolled her eyes. Figured that much. But her attention was taken by Toothless' howl, as he was scurrying up a pile of rocks. He'd found something.

"What is it, bud?" Hiccup questioned as his dragon continued to grumble, before his eyes widened. "Uh... gang? You might want to see this."

Sigrid gasped as she walked up to her brother. Toothless had spotted a giant dragon skull, the exact one sketched in Oswald's diary! But, from what dragon it was, or from how long ago, they did not know. Whatever it was, Sigrid was in awe.

"Oh my Thor." Sigrid let out a breathless whisper, as Fishlegs giggled in excitement next to her.

Dagur gasped even louder. 

"Oh my Thor is right!" He actually had no clue what they were gasping about. "Wait... what is it right about?"

Hiccup didn't even look at Dagur as he explained it, not really surprised that he, once again, hadn't been paying attention until now. 

"The skull. It was in the diary, Dagur. It proves Oswald was here!"

"And possibly still is!" Fishlegs matched Hiccup's glee.

They'd done it. Sigrid couldn't believe it. After searching for so long, they might've finally found the answer. She was over the moon, she hadn't seen her future father-in-law in so long! But... as she glanced towards her fiancé, her eyes shining with delight, she realised that Dagur was way gloomier than she had expected.

"I, uh... hadn't thought of that." He chuckled nervously, his green eyes fixated on the ground. "Hadn't thought of that at all..."

Sigrid frowned. She truly felt bad for him. With care, she took her usual place besides him, wrapping her arms around his as she squeezed him lovingly. Kissing his cheek in reassurance, a silent promise that he would be fine.

Settling back on their dragons, Toothless send a plasma blast through the skeleton's spine, clearing their path before they went. Sigrid shuddered as they flew in. This thing was ginormous, and it was definitely giving her some unpleasant flashbacks.

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