67. A Hiccstrid Lovefest

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"Oh, pretty." Oswald cooed as his hands latched onto the skirt of his mother's dress, intrigued by the pattern. 

"Why thank you, sweetheart." Sigrid smiled, before grasping his hands from the fabric. "And don't you look handsome."

As if commanded, Oswald skipped in a cute little twirl, showing off his fancy clothes. His father had gotten him a new set of woolen garments for the special occasion, and Oswald had been loving it. 

"What about me?" Dagur pouted.

Sigrid rolled her eyes, smiling before setting her eyes on her beloved. "Hush, you already know you're a pretty boy."

"Hell yeah I do."

Now, you must be wondering 'what's the special occasion?'. A reunion between the Berserkers and Berkians, not annual nor seasonal, but something that would only happen one more time in their lives... a wedding.

Yes, that's right. Hiccup and Astrid were finally making things official, and becoming husband and wife. 

"Oh, careful, darling." Dagur was by Sigrid's side in an instant, helping her stand.

Sigrid snorted, but made no attempt to push his hands away. "Oh dear, are we really doing this again?"

"Of course." Dagur spoke, as if offended. "You're my wife, and you're pregnant. Yes, I'm doing this again."

Yep, Sigrid's pregnant, again. Oh, don't be so surprised, they couldn't help themselves when Oswald was just such a cutie.

"Mommy, will there be any chicken?" Oswald piped up from besides his mother. "I like chicken."

"I don't know, honey." Sigrid shrugged, truly no idea what foods would be in the feast. "But I'm sure it'll be delicious."

She just hoped it was Gobber doing the cooking.


The snowy grounds of New Berk glistened in the sunlight as people ran back and forth from the village's centre. Sigrid had to admit, it was a gorgeous time for a wedding, even if it was a little chilly. 

It was clear that neither Dagur nor Heather were used to this level of cold, as both were covered head to toe in as much fur as they could comfortable wear. With his animal headdress, Dagur almost looked like an actual bear. On the other hand, Sigrid was fine with her ceremonial clothing, fur cape, boots and fur skirt covering. Oswald, on the other hand, looked like a fluff ball from head to toe.

"Kids, there ye are!" Gobber greeted with a laugh, as he pulled Sigrid into a hug. "Aw, aren't you cute?"

"Thank you!" Oswald grinned, before holding out his arm. "It's soft, feel!"

With his human hand, Gobber touched the fur. "Ay, indeed."

Oswald was very pleased. 

"Sigrid, I think Astrid would appreciate yer help in her hut." Gobber directed her, before telling Dagur the same for Hiccup.

"Guess that leaves us here alone, huh?" Heather grinned, before picking Oswald up.

"Wanna go fishing?" Oswald suggested.

He had yet to learn the difference between winter and spring. But hey, who was Heather to say no? Besides, ice fishing is only a few extra steps... right?


"What happened to you?" Sigrid gasped as Heather entered the hut, soaked and shivering. 

"Oswald wanted to go ice fishing." Heather shivered, quickly grabbing a blanket as she took her place by the fire. "I just happened to fall in. But don't worry, Gobber has him now."

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