36. Gold Rush

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Dagur had kept true to his promise... somewhat

Even though he had yet to return to Dragon's Edge, he'd started writing to Sigrid regularly. About his decision to finally find his father, to the adventures he'd had so far. But, they still had yet to speak about Dagur's written love confession, and Sigrid's sort-of-secret-not-yet-outspoken feelings.

Right now Sigrid was worried. It seemed that her brother was determined to push himself as hard as he could in preparation for finding Viggo. Guess it runs in the family. 

"Well, well, well, look what the Nightfury dragged in." Astrid commented as Hiccup finally came back to the Edge.

Toothless fell to the floor, exhausted, whilst Hiccup forced out a sarcastic laugh. "Very funny."

"Seriously, Hiccup, you've been pushing it pretty hard lately, and that's coming from me." Sigrid crossed her arms and she raised her brow, as if to emphasize her point.

Heather nodded. "I have to agree with Sigrid. Everyone needs a rest, even you." 

"Right." Hiccup agreed, but Sigrid saw right through it. "I'll rest when Viggo's gone for good."

There it is.

"You wanna hurt Viggo? Talk to me." A familiar voice sounded from the entrance.

Sigrid spun around with a beaming smile.

"Dagur!" She called out, pulling him in for a hug, much to the surprise of the other Riders.

"And hello to you too, baby boy." Sigrid cooed at the Gronckle, who wiggled in excitement at her attention. 

Sigrid was sure to give Shattermaster many pets because of it, such a sweet baby. Dagur smiled, raising his hand to caress Sigrid's chin gently.

"I told you I'd be back." He spoke softly, and Sigrid really - really - wanted to kiss him.

Snapping out of her day-dream, Sigrid cleared her throat.

"Uh, are you hungry?" She asked, already running off to make something before he could even response.

Dagur laughed at her antics, but if he was honest, he was very hungry.

"I could eat something." He shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant.

But after he got his hands on the big yak chop, Dagur couldn't stop his pleased groans as he munched on the meat.

"This is good!" He moaned. "And cooked to perfection, mm, just the way I like it.

Sigrid blushed at the complement. "Thanks." 

"So, how are we gonna hurt Viggo?"

Dagur completely ignored Hiccup's question, completely focused on the boy's older sister. Much to Hiccup's displeasement. 

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised, though. Oh! I think you'd make a wicked Berserk chicken, I could teach you. Did you know that cooking is in our blood?" He gestured to himself and Heather.

Sigrid giggled at his rambling, and Hiccup couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sigrid... giggling? 

Chicken started panicking at the c-word.

"Hey, watch it!" Tuffnut warned as he calmed the bird.  "Everyone knows that Chicken suffers from rotisserie-phobia. He's afraid of the ol' turn and burn."

Dagur was quick to apologize.

"Sorry, boy-nut and... chicken-nut." He paused. "It's just, we've been out there all alone for so long, we haven't eaten anything in days. Isn't that right Shattermaster?"

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