27. Heather's Return

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"Okay, what is going on here?" Sigrid questioned with a stern gaze, watching as the riders fought over something in Fishlegs' grasp.

Her brother and Astrid were at her side, equally as confused, before Tuffnut rose to victory. His hand rose as he held up a Terror mail, something Fishlegs had been dying to hide from them. 

"Ha! The Fishmeister has been getting quite the bevy of Terror mails, lately." Tuffnut explained from his position over the blonde viking's leg. 

Snotlout groaned as he got up, brushing a hand over his shirt. Sending a smirk Tuffnut's way.

"And since we haven't been sending them..."

Tuffnut continued. "That begs the question, who is our sly little friend here communicating with one the... sly?"

Ruffnut agreed with a brother, her arms crossed as she gave Fishlegs a suspicious look.

Snotlout continued. "And because he won't give us a name..."

"We decided to take matters into our own hands." Ruffnut smirked.

Fishlegs quickly broke under pressure. The questioning gazes of the six Vikings way too much for him to take.

"Okay, fine." He spouted. "If you must know-"

"Yes, we must!" The twins chanted.

Hiccup tried to be the voice of reason. "Guys, Fishlegs doesn't have to tell you unless he wants to. It's his personal, private business."

"I agree with my brother." Sigrid nodded. "Fishlegs, you don't have to tell us if you're not comfortable doing so."

But she had to admit, she was very curious.

"Thank you, Sigrid." Fishlegs gloated before he met the eyes of the three mischievously curious vikings to his left, he grew hessitant.

In hope for defence, he looked back towards the three reasonable people, only to find that their eyes shone with intrigue as well. It was obvious that they, too, were begging for him to spill his secrets. 

"Fine-" He sighed. "I've been corresponding with a certain someone, who has been returning my Terror mails in kind. You happy?"

Astrid's face gleamed as she grinned. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Fishy's got a girlfriend!" Snotlout and Tuffnut sung in mockery. "Fishy's got a girlfriend." 

"Yeah!" Tuffnut shouted as they high-fived. "It's fun to make fun of people!"

Sigrid had to admit, she was intrigued. "Who is she, Fishlegs? Do I know her? Is she nice? Does she make you happy?"

"Who said it's a she?" Snotlout chuckled. 

Hiccup raised his brow. "Uh, Fishlegs? Now, I have to admit, I am curious."

Everyone's speculation and questioning was obviously itching on the Viking's bad side, as Fishlegs didn't seem pleased that everyone was suddenly so invested in his personal business. It's not like they cared otherwise.

"Okay, okay." He waved his hands around in surrender. "...It's Heather."

No one gasped as loudly as Sigrid did. She was delighted. Snotlout, on the other hand, wasn't as amused. 

"So, wait, you're telling me that my future wife, the future Mrs. Lout who just disappeared after the whole Viggo fiasco, you knew where to find her and you told exactly no one?"

Fishlegs shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much."

"Look, guys, Heather is out on her own. She never stays in one place." Hiccup reasoned. "We knew we'd hear from her eventually."

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