009. The Scratch

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(Ep. 6: The Spy)

Steve followed the siblings as they left trails of raw meat on an abandoned railway. He hadn't spoken a word to Gwen since last night. Not even a simple 'good morning' or a quick rundown of the plan. He was still angered by her late night visitor that he couldn't bother to look at her.

So the day consisted of Dustin venting his troubles about Max and the needed advice he hoped both of them would provide. Especially now that everything has gotten more complicated with a demogorgon on the loose.

"All right, so let me get this straight," Steve began. "You kept something that was incredibly dangerous in order to impress a girl who... who you just met?"

"Alright, that's grossly oversimplifying things," Dustin said.

"I mean, why would a girl like some nasty slug anyway?" he questioned.

"Because it's awesome," Gwen chimed in. "If you ignore the whole eating your cat thing and trying to kill you."

Dustin's eyes lit up as he pointed agreeingly at her, "Exactly! Who wouldn't want to see an interdimensional slug?"

Steve picked up the pace and caught up to them. Only he was still refusing to walk alongside her so he let Dustin walk in between them, "Well, even if she thought it was cool, which she didn't, I just... I don't know. I just feel like you're trying too hard."

"Well, not everyone can have your perfect hair, alright?" Dustin pointed out with a small hint of envy in his voice.

"Hair doesn't matter," she noted, bringing everyone to turn to her. "If they're total assholes, appearance is the least of their worries."

Steve felt this personally. Not that he would admit how great his hair is, but the asshole part, that's definitely him.

He nodded and said, "Hate to say it, but she's right. It's not about the hair, man."

Gwen started watching him with interest. Maybe Steve could offer some helpful advice that a sister isn't able to.

"The key with girls is just... just acting like you don't care."

And there it is. The hope that he could provide anything helpful had now disappeared at the worst advice being given.

She frowned and shook her head in disbelief, confused on why he believed that to be true and wondered what poor girl managed to fall for those schemes. She became tempted to call him out, but she was curious on what more idiocy would escape his mouth.

Doubtful on the efficiency of this technique, Dustin questioned, "Even if you do?"

"Yeah, exactly. It drives them nuts," he told him.

She refused to listen to more of this. She walked forward, leaving them alone but not too far to where she wouldn't be able to hear them.

"Then what?" he curiously asked.

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