Interlude: The First Battle

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(Season 1- Ep

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(Season 1- Ep. 8: The Upside Down)

Waiting seemed to be the worst part about this.

Swaying her nailed bat like a pendulum, Gwen's knuckles were turning white from her tight grip. She kept glancing up at the Christmas lights every few seconds, waiting for a flicker or any sign the monster was coming.

Still in shock from having learned her hometown used their lab to experiment with something beyond their reach, only left her wishing to return to her boring life as it's way better than dealing with this.

Of course, it's not like she can complain. She was finally able to punch Steve Harrington in the face along with crashing his car, so it's not like this mess didn't bring anything good.

"Did you guys hear that?" Nancy asked, startled when hearing a faint creaking sound.

Gwen tried getting a better listen. She held her breath and pressed her finger to her lips. The creaking seemed to have been a one time thing because there's nothing but silence after.

"It's just the wind, Nancy," Jonathan tried reassuring her before he walked to his best friend's side. He noticed the concentrated creases on Gwen's forehead and the intense hold on her bat. She's definitely trying to keep up a tough facade to hide the fact of just how afraid she is.

"We're going to be fine, okay?" He gently grabbed her hand and stared into her eyes, which made his own concerns diminish once he felt the warmth of her touch.

Gwen took a deep breath and nodded her head, feeling quite silly on how afraid she was when the monster was not even here yet. "I sure hope so."

Nancy started bobbing her foot up and down, her eyes glancing in between every corner and every light while trying to convince herself everything will be fine. Now that she knew Barb was gone, all she wanted was to kill that monster and make it pay for what its done.

"Hey," Gwen and Jonathan took a seat next to her as they offered a gentle smile. "His mom said the lights speak when it comes so we're good for now."

Nancy raised her brows in confusion, not understanding how the lights are a source of communication. "Speak? How is that possible?"

"Blink. Think of them as alarms," Jonathan corrected before looking down at his best friend's bandaged hand that appeared to still be bleeding. "Did you wrap it well enough?"

"What?" Gwen questioned. He pointed to her hand and tried reaching for it to check if it's been well bandaged.

Nancy stared attentively at Jonathan as he gave a longing look to his best friend. She's always suspected he had feelings for Gwen based on the way he acts around her or even looks at her. When involving herself into this, she knew she'd be feeling like a third wheel so it was something she needed to try and ignore.

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