033. Holding Out For A Hero

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(Ep. 8: The Battle of Starcourt)

Gwen follows the others to the second level of the mall to get a better advantage point of the Mind Flayer. The kids wanted to attack from the first floor as it seemed better to attack from a closer distance, and even though their intentions were good, they weren't ideal.

It took lots of convincing and arguing, but eventually, the older teens were able to reassure them the second level is the better option. So now, hauling up the stairs appears to be the only solution to save the others.

As they carried boxes of fireworks upstairs, it only reminded Gwen that this is not the way their fourth of July should be going. She should be at the county fair with Steve and the kids, just getting on the craziest rides and filling themselves with junk food as they wait for the fireworks show to start. Only now, the only show they're getting is lighting up the monster with these pyrotechnics.

They should be having fun, not doing this, and certainly not endangering their lives again.

Nearly halfway up, Gwen feels something harsh pull her down that sends her falling down the steps.

Not perceiving what happened, Gwen quickly opens her eyes and immediately grows frustrated when seeing the ceiling spinning just like it did when she was drugged.

She reaches for her head, groaning at the sharp pain developing when finding blood on her fingertips. Great, just what I needed.

Slowly getting up, she starts gathering the boxes and hopes they didn't get ruined as it wouldn't be prudent since they need all the resources they can get. That's when a sudden kick against her ribs sends her a few feet from the spot she fell in.

"Miss me?"

That voice.

She knows that voice.

Looking up, she's stunned to find Natalia standing a couple meters from her. The once popular cheerleader who was supposed to be getting ready to leave for college had become one of the victims of the mind flayer. Gwen was certain the others told her that she probably melted with the others, but it's now impossible since she's standing right in front of her.

"Oh great. It's you," she breathes out, quickly raising herself from the cold tiles. Even if she's not a big fan of Natalia, she can't help to feel concerned when seeing the terrible state she's in.

Black veins are covering her entire body, a few droplets of blood are splattered in her arms and legs, and her once vibrant lifeguard uniform has become filled with dark stains and what appears to be dried blood.

Gwen isn't an idiot to not know that she doesn't stand a chance fighting her. Not when she has the strength of the mind flayer inside her. She discreetly glances up at the escalators and prays no one has noticed her absence, only her prayers are of no use when seeing Steve running down in a panic.

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