004. Possession

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(Ep. 3: The Pollywog)

The morning of November 1st consisted of various questionings and many reprimands from Claudia Henderson. All from the worry her daughter went back to her old ways of getting herself into fights.

If it wasn't for Dustin changing the subject to spare his sister as well as himself, the interrogation would have lasted for the entire day.

"So Max came trick or treating with us and showed us the best places to get candy," he interrupted.

"Did you save me some?" Gwen asked and mouthed a thank you after.

"Are you kidding? I stole a couple pieces from Mike just for you," he placed various pieces of candy right in front before receiving a high five from his sister.

If there's one thing they have in common, it was their love in teasing Mike. He always gives the best reactions and gets extremely melodramatic over their pranks.

"That's my brother," she smiled and ruffled his curls. That's when her mother placed a tan flier in front. "What's this?"

Her mother had a terrifying smile which meant she did something Gwen wouldn't like, "Just take a look."

She reached for the flier with bold letters and quickly read it over.

Save the date for the

Miss Hawkins Ball

December 29, 1984

Knowing her mother's intentions, she was the least bit hopeful her suspicions were wrong, "Don't tell me you-"

"I signed you up for Miss Hawkins! What do you think?" she exclaimed in excitement.

Dustin nearly choked on his orange juice at imagining his sister at such a thing. She would never be caught dead participating in any of those events and if she goes through with it, it would definitely be the highlight of the year.

She glared at him and kicked him under the table, but it didn't help his laughter from continuing, "Why would you do that? You know I don't like those events."

Claudia chuckled and walked over to her bedroom to retrieve a photograph of when she was a contestant. Seeing that picture where she was in a bright yellow gown in hand with her late husband brought such a nostalgic feeling. She remembers how fun it was dressing up and learning the ballroom dances. It's something she's dreamt of sharing with her daughter ever since she took her first steps. Now that Miss Hawkins was announced, it seemed fitting to sign her up before she leaves for college since she insisted on graduating early.

"I participated in Miss Hawkins in '59 with Joyce, Karen, and Sue. Of course, Karen won so I thought, now that you're old enough to participate, you could win this for the Henderson family!"

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