054. The Beginning of the End

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(Ep. 9: The Piggyback)

Dying had never been a plausible option for Steve Harrington.

Despite being the most self-sacrificial person there is, he never thought death would hold him in its claws one day. Maybe there's something smug about believing he's immortal, but when having faced tons of dangers and being safe in the end, it's safe to say his survival streak made him pompous. He never thought the grim reaper would say enough is enough and cut his life string short. He always looked ahead and never looked back.

That is until now.

As he holds the lifeless body of his soulmate, he can't stop thinking about death. He can't stop pondering on different ways on how to join her. Maybe heading into the swarm of bats would be great or perhaps going to Lover's Lake would be easier.

There's lots of options... so many to choose from.

He's quiet, completely still as he stares at her resting face. She looks like she's fallen into a deep slumber, like a spell has been casted and she's waiting to be rescued. Even amidst the world crumbling and transforming into hell, she remains in her deep state of tranquility. She's stuck in her perfect and pacific thoughts while his mind is being corrupted by painful cries and begs that the clock turns back to a time where she's still with him.

Steve slowly glances up, his expression emotionless yet tortured. His eyes are glossy and his face is a pale contrast to his hands covered in her blood. He wants to move, to carry her away from this world, but he's become trapped in this inferno – trapped in his own personal perdition. How will he continue? How can he deal with living in a world where his light isn't in it?

Before her, his life used to be black and white. It was a constant cycle that went on for years on end, one he never expected to escape. He had come to the conclusion that some people were meant for joy and for a grand life while others weren't – that he was one of the unlucky ones meant for darkness.

His previous relationships had been void of any color. They were nothing but pastimes. Something meant to be locked into the vault of oblivion. Something he used to be content about. If he never caved to his feelings, maybe then, pain wouldn't come knocking at his door. Maybe, he would be spared from the curse of a maddening love.

Everything had been adequate, simply what anyone would dream of – until she arrived and painted his world golden.

The colors were brighter, the breeze was no longer suffocating, and the chains of a drained existence were broken as he was finally liberated from an abysmal life.

Everything was glorious, truly what dreams were made of.

Finding love had been a gift sent from heaven... or so he thought. Maybe it wasn't God that sent him this present. Maybe it was the devil himself. It would explain why this happened and why he's being punished. Perhaps letting his guard down and believing someone like him could be meant for something as golden as this had been his retribution.

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