021. The Week Is Long

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(Ep. 2: The Mall Rats)

Gwen found herself incredibly bored and nearly on the verge of losing her mind in the long hour of lunch rush where people ditched actual food for a frozen desert.

When first applying here, she knew the pros and cons that came with it. Sure, they might get free ice cream and she gets to spend more time with her boyfriend, but if you ignore that, there's nothing but the upsetting wage of earning three bucks an hour that doesn't compensate for all the work done.

"Have a nice day," she and Robin said as they handed their last two customers their cones. Already tired and wanting this day to end, they thought they could finally take a break when out of nowhere, Dustin suddenly popped up from behind what they thought were their last customers.

"Hi," he waved to his sister and smiled eagerly at Robin.

"Hi," she answered back and waited for him to order.

"I'm Dustin."

Robin turned to Gwen, confused on why a kid was introducing himself as if she asked, "I'm Robin."

"Pleasure to meet you. Uh, is he here?" he questioned.

"Is who here?"

As if on cue, Steve came bursting through the door with a wide smile on his face when seeing his favorite kid had returned after what felt like an eternity.

"Henderson!" Steve looked over at Gwen and Robin and jumped in delight while pointing at Dustin as if they hadn't just seen him. "Henderson! He's back! He's back!"

"I'm back! You got the job!"

"I got the job!"

Robin silently judged Steve and watched them perform an elaborate handshake. She was getting ready to joke about it with Gwen, but was appalled that she seemed to be enjoying this.

"You're actually into this?" Robin complained and gained a nod from her before turning back and finding relief when their handshake was over. "How many children are you friends with?"

Steve and Dustin simmered down, slightly offended by her comment. Steve just turned to Dustin embarrassingly as he wished Robin hadn't been here to witness their reunion, but there was nothing he could do other than just ignore her like always.

"Since you two are dating, that means he's your friend as well?" Robin asked, hoping her favorite coworker isn't turning out to be as lame as Steve freaking Harrington.

Steve frowned and whispered to him, "This is what I have to deal with."

"To my misfortune, he's my brother," Gwen answered while preparing a sundae with his favorite flavors.

"Hey, I'm right here!" Dustin snapped, pouting the same way Steve had done yesterday.

She just gave him a small smile and walked over to the table Steve had chosen for them to sit on. Just as she placed the sundae down, she turned back before hearing Dustin call out, "Aren't you staying?"

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