042. Follow Me Into Death

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(Ep. 4: Dear Billy)

Holding the letter, Gwen is tempted to open it and ignore Max's orders. She wants to know what it holds, but is afraid to even read it because that would mean she's actually dying. Reading it would make it more real, more terrifying, and more unbearable. So with reluctance, Gwen places the letter inside her bag and prays she'll never have to read it.

"You okay?" Steve places his hand on top of hers, his voice low enough so that only she can hear. He quickly peers inside the car and checks on Lucas and Dustin, relaxing when seeing them conversing with each other and are perfectly fine.

Gwen simply shrugs his question off, refusing to say how she actually feels and wonders if mentioning that she also saw the clock would be prudent right now. Having seen it before Max did, there could be the smallest possibility that it's her that's dying today and not Max, but her dying would give them more time to save the young girl. It would give her a chance to live her life and go after everything her heart desires. Mentioning this would ruin it, so Gwen decides to stay quiet, refusing to save herself if it means Max could die.

"Are you okay?" She diverts the question back to him, already knowing Steve refuses to open up about his feelings since he prefers to just ignore them and not work them out.

Steve takes a deep breath, his brow creasing into a worried stance. She can practically feel the shift in his mood when his hand tenses and his eyes lose the sparkle they always hold. He lets go of her and turns the opposite way, not wanting her to notice how afraid and worried he is that he won't be able to keep the people he loves safe.

"Hey," she turns his face in her direction, her heart shattering when seeing tears prick at his eyes. Gently cupping his face, she tries offering as much reassurance as possible. There's no way she's going to let the man she loves lose hope as well. "Everything is going to be okay. Nothing will happen to us, alright?"

"I don't know," his voice breaks and his eyes close to try and prevent letting her see into his soul. "I'm just- I'm scared to lose any of them. I'm scared to lose you."

Guilt overcomes her at the fact that she's not being honest or even caring for her life. She's refusing to let him know that she's cursed when he's afraid of losing her. How can she tell him now? How can she break his heart even more?

Swallowing her feelings, she chooses to focus on finding the last bit of optimism left in her. Even if she might not believe herself, she'll make sure he does. "Listen to me, you are not going to lose me, okay?"

Steve stares at her, his heart overflowing with intense fondness and love. Just staring into those bright blue eyes resembling the beauty of the ocean waves, brings an undeniable sense of comfort as he chooses to believe her. He knows that if she really is cursed, she won't stay back and let this monster take her life. She would do everything to survive because she's a fighter, she's the strongest person he knows, so with a massive amount of trust, he takes her word.

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