028. What A Feeling

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(Ep. 7: The Bite)

Gwen has never been more glad to see the mall's loading docks.

She leaned her head back and sighed in delight at feeling the warm July air brush against her cheeks. The air seemed to smell better, feel better, and even taste better. Sure it was a little humid and it would make her hair more frizzy than it already is, but she's living the life right now.

Steve grabbed her waist and spun her towards him. Her chest slammed right into his that sent them stumbling down the concrete floor. They giggled uncontrollably, sprawling all around the ground as they attempted to stand up. If it wasn't for Robin helping them, they would've been stuck for good.

The three were filled with immense joy. Not a single bad thought ran through their minds as all they could focus on was dancing to the imaginary music. Steve offered his hand to Gwen and gave her a quick twirl that sent her spinning around the dock. Next, he took Robin's hand and did the same, making her spin uncontrollably until she bumped into Gwen that brought out another fit of laughter.

Fading out the annoyed yells from their friends, they danced around like crazy kids and allowed their laughs to become louder by the second. Their smiles grew wider and their hearts were overwhelmed with ecstasy that for a mere moment, they seemed to forget all about the Russians.

Only their carefree nature was cut short when a group of Russian guards came running through the gate between the loading dock and the parking lot. They were yelling with their thick accents like the underground guards were and their hands reached down for their guns as they started raising it at them. It was taking Gwen a while to register what's happening. She only felt the hard yank of her brother as they ran through a side door that led them to the back hallways of the mall.

After working their way through the long hall, Dustin was focused on taking them to the one place that's still open, the Starcourt Cinema. Certain those Russians wouldn't barge in and start threatening everyone, he figured it's the best place to lay low until getting the chance to escape through the swarm of the crowd.

"Seriously? The movies?" Daphne complains, running through her messy locks in irritation. "You couldn't have chosen some better place?"

"Do you have a better idea?" Dustin stands on his tiptoes, searching through the long rows for any empty seats. He seriously hopes this plan works because he's definitely not planning on dying while watching Back to the Future.

"I've been meaning to see this movie!" Gwen's been trying to convince Steve to watch it with her, but he claims it's nothing but a nerdy movie that's not meant for someone as cool as him. And now it seems he's going to watch it with her whether he likes it or not.

"Shh!" An older woman with massive glasses that takes up half her face tells her. Her finger is pressed against her lips and her brows have turned downward into a perfect scowl.

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