002. Dinner with the Enemy

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(Ep. 1: Mad Max)

Dinner with the Hollands was the most dreadful part of Gwen's week.

She hadn't been close with Barb except for sharing a few amicable hellos, helping each other in class, and only knowing her as the best friend of Nancy Wheeler.

When the news of Barb's disappearance broke out, Gwen couldn't help but put herself in Nancy's shoes knowing very well she'd go crazy if anything were to happen to Jonathan. She began sharing small conversations with her, helping her search for clues, as well as officially introducing her to Jonathan.

All three of them bonded over their shared interest in finding their loved ones. Jonathan and Gwen wanted to find Will while Nancy wanted to find Barb. It only made sense for all of them to work together. They figured the chances of finding them would be much more possible. They searched for clues, fought for each other, as well as finding a genuine friendship.

Their search was going smoothly up until a small opening in a tree led Gwen to the Upside Down. Not knowing those brief moments would change her entire life as well as Barb's.

"I apologize for not making that baked ziti you all like so much. I've been so distracted lately that before I knew it, it was 5 already," Mrs. Holland told the three teens as they took bites out of their KFC.

Gwen cleared her throat before saying, "It's no worries!"

"I love KFC," Steve followed after.

The two of them glared at each other, frowning at their proximity that happened out of Mrs. Holland sitting them together.

Nancy, who was seated at the end of the table, simply kept looking over at the two as she prayed they control themselves and are civilized for once. The last thing the Hollands need is two teens arguing when they're in the process of losing their last bit of hope.

All of them continued their dinner in silence, focusing on their food that they seemed to forget they were surrounded by others. Only the crunches of the crispy chicken and clanking of the forks were heard. All of those sounds were much louder thanks to Steve.

Gwen glared at him in disgust at his loud devouring as she wished to be in the furthest seat. She clenched her hand into a tight fist and took a deep breath to control the annoyance he's bringing her. She promised Nancy she'd be on her best behavior so she was determined to go through with it.

Yet Nancy's mind had gone back to the sign outside. The Hollands seemed to be selling their home and the thought of losing any connection to Barb was driving her insane. She tried focusing on something else, but the sound of the grandfather clock that stood in their hallway made the silence much worse. "So, I noticed a for sale sign out in your yard. Is that the neighbors or...?"

Mr. and Mrs Holland turned to each other before he said, "You want to tell them?"

Mrs. Holland smiled, "Well, we hired a man named Murray Bauman. Have any of you heard of him?"

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