035. Three Months Later

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(Ep. 8: The Battle of Starcourt)

When Robin first found out that Gwen and Steve were dating, she was disappointed to say the least that the only girl who wasn't smitten by King Steve had ended up falling into his web of deceits.

It was the first day back from winter break and as expected, everyone was catching up on everything that happened over the course of two weeks. There were gossips on who made out with who, all while everyone flaunted their very expensive gifts.

Robin reached her locker, pushing a few of her classmates out of the way as she tried fading them out. She started putting the numbers of her combination when the halls suddenly turned silent. There was a moment of peace for the briefest second, only it was short lived when whispers started spreading like wildfire.

Curious as to what had everyone so captivated, Robin dropped the lock from her hands and squinted her eyes in the direction everyone was watching. She exchanged an equally confused look with one of her band mates, both not understanding what the sudden fuss was about.

That's when she saw the luscious locks of Steve "The Hair" Harrington peeking through the swarm of the crowd, only he wasn't alone.

He was with her.

Robin's heart somersaulted when seeing his arm around Gwen Henderson. The last she heard, Gwen was keeping her distance from him. She was avoiding making contact and had stopped insulting him. She started growing concerned that King Steve was finally getting through to her, except Robin was reading the situation in an entirely different way. From what it appeared, Steve did get to Gwen, but through her heart instead.

"This can't be real," her voice was barely a whisper, but it was enough for her band mate to hear.

"Seems the world has officially turned upside down," the redhead let out a laugh, hoping it would be enough to make the appalled creases on Robin's forehead disappear. When that didn't work, her smile turned downward and she started walking away.

Robin felt a wave of shame for the couple, because in what universe could she have imagined that the two people who hated each other would end up dating?

Her hands pressed into tight fists as her veins boiled in disappointment. All she could think of was how could Gwen have lowered her standards to date Steve goddamn Harrington? Why him out of all people?

She was certain he wouldn't treat her well considering what she heard last week at Moon's Diner. According to Carol Perkins - who wasn't the most reliable source - Nancy apparently broke things off with him to date Jonathan Byers. The reasons behind their breakup all led back to the Halloween party, which only made Robin regretful for not having attended as she would have loved to witness such a sight.

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