047. Dark Waters

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(Ep. 6: The Dive)

"Dustin, can you please slow down?!"

Running around the forest in the pitch darkness is not something Gwen would have willingly chosen. It's hard seeing ahead without some form of lighting and even then, flashlights can only offer so much. She's been focusing on not tripping over her own feet and making sure no one falls behind all while running after her brother, who's adamant on following his wonky compass.

"I think we're getting close," Dustin breathes out, looking behind his shoulder at the group once he passes a few rustling branches and reaches the shore of Lover's Lake.

"Watch your step, big guy," Eddie prevents him from getting closer to the waters, his eyes wandering to the massive lake he had just been in last night.

"Lover's Lake? Really?" Gwen complains, her hands resting on her thighs as she tries catching her breath while ignoring the terrible sensation at the pit of her stomach. Something about being back here where Patrick died feels terribly wrong, and the fact that the compass guided them here, is definitely not a good sign.

"You gotta be shitting me," Steve takes deep breaths as well and gently places his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it comfortably that helps alleviate her nerves.

"I thought these woods seemed familiar," Eddie comments.

Dustin nods, "This is confounding."

"There's a gate in Lover's Lake?" Max questions out loud and it makes the siblings turn to her.

"From the looks of it, it's very probable," Gwen rests against one of the nearby trees and stares aimlessly at the darkness ahead. She's been to Lover's Lake many times with Steve before and she never paid any attention to how sinister it looks at night. It never occurred to her to view the lake as anything but relaxing and beautiful - at least until now.

"Whenever the demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening," Nancy points out, her eyes wide with unease and wandering to every dark corner. "Maybe Vecna's the same way."

"So the mind flayer wasn't the only monster? There was more?" Daphne runs her hands through her hair, feeling herself starting to panic that the most terrifying creature she encountered could possibly not be the worst one. Hawkins really is the gate to hell then.

"There were also demodogs," Gwen reaches for her arm, the same one where one of those monsters had scratched her. The scar remains intact, serving as a reminder of one of the nights where she could have nearly lost her life.

"Demodogs? What the hell?" Daphne mumbles, pacing all around frantically before choosing to rest against one of the trees. That is until she hears some rustling getting nearer that causes her to let out a yelp. "What is that?! Who the hell is out there?!"

The group turns their heads, each of them narrowing their eyes and pointing their flashlights into the darkness ahead. None of them make a move or take a breath, not wanting to make the faintest sound out of the possibility this could be a monster or some curious spectators.

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