003. Halloween

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(Ep. 2: Trick or Treat, Freak)

Halloween has always been Gwen's favorite holiday. Well, Christmas actually was, but she'd die before admitting it. Either way, Halloween was still very high up on the list. She loved her fair share of dressing up as well as scaring a few trick or treaters.

She and Jonathan would spend the night watching horror films and pigging out on junk food. All while waiting for the neighborhood kids to knock so they can put on their most frightening costumes and terrify them until they run away screaming.

Laughs and a few scolds from Joyce are received, but even the Byers' mom can't help herself from joining their frights. Not wanting to admit how much fun scaring the kids actually is. It was safe to say this had become their tradition. That is until this year when things changed.

Joyce was now dating the friendly Bob Newby. He was going to spend his first holiday with her and even though Gwen wanted the night to be like every year, she could tell Jonathan was not a fan of her mother's suitor.

He'd never be the type to flake on their tradition, but he began suggesting different things to do such as accompany Will and the others trick or treating. Something she refused to do.

Which brings them to their first Halloween spending it apart. She would attend Tina's Halloween Bash while he chaperones his little brother. This night went from the most anticipated to the least exciting event of the year in just a short amount of time.

She waited for him at the library all to try and get their work done before tonight. She peered over the gaping hole of the bookshelves when she saw Nancy standing in the far corner sharpening her pencil to a stud. Her eyes were glued onto the back of a redheaded girl that resembled her late friend.

Knowing how much it was affecting her, she was about to head over to reassure her when she felt two hands grip on her arms. She jolted back against the bookshelves and was annoyed to find Jonathan laughing at her fright. He figured if they weren't going to scare trick or treaters, then he might as well scare her instead. Anything would be better than pretending this is just a regular day and not the best night of the year.

"You son of-"

"Shh! We're in a library!" He loudly whispered through his laughter.

"I don't give two shits-" her voice was cut off by his hands trying to shut her up. He was still trying to refrain from laughing, but her annoyance was the one thing that entertained him.

She rolled her eyes at him and shoved his hands off. "You're late. As usual," she told him while reaching up for a book at the top shelf.

"Had to develop some photos. So sorry my lady," he smiled at her look of 'are you serious' all while handing her the book she was having trouble reaching.

Looking over at the suddenly filled tables, they both settled on taking ground in the lonely row of shelves. It's not like anyone would come and bother them over their spot on the floor.

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