015. November of '83

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(Ep. 9: The Gate)

Barb's funeral had finally taken place once the lab's involvement was exposed. The Hollands were able to get closure as well as bring some ease to Gwen and Nancy's guilt. Of course, nothing will ever get rid of it completely, but this was definitely the first step.

Soon after the funeral ended, Gwen knew it was time to tell Nancy everything about what happened in her brief time at the Upside Down. She knew it could cost her their friendship, but it was a risk she needed to take in order to not lose herself to her secret.

Nancy walked alongside Jonathan while Gwen fell behind. She was dreading telling the truth, but with everything coming out, her secret needed to as well.

"Nance," she began, bringing her attention to her. "Can we talk?"

"Everything okay?" Jonathan asked while switching glances in between his girlfriend and best friend.

Gwen nodded and started walking over to her car, hoping Nancy would follow and not question her in front of the others.

Steve stood by his car just watching as the two of them walked off. It's nearly been a month and he hasn't spoken to Gwen since the gate was closed. Despite everything they went through, neither were brave enough to face their feelings so they settled on living their lives away from each other.

She walked past him since his car was parked right beside hers. It took everything not to look at him just once, but they had decided to ignore everything so it's only best she goes through with it.

Nancy got into the passenger seat in complete silence. Worried that something was definitely wrong and with everything that happened, she's not sure if she can handle anything more.

"What is it?" Nancy's voice came out lower than intended.

Gwen swallowed hard, feeling regret and dread as she gathered her thoughts, "Last year when I got stuck in the Upside Down, I- I saw Barb."

Nancy felt her body turn cold. The voice of El telling her that her friend was dead filled her mind. Since then, she's been wishing to have had an opportunity to see her one last time and to hear that Gwen did, just made everything worse.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was afraid as to what you would think. I didn't want to lose your friendship so I thought I should-"

"Nothing you do will ever make me not want to be friends with you, okay?" Nancy gave her the smallest smile as she placed her hand on top on hers. "Why would you even think that?"

"Because I saw her get killed by that monster," the car turned silent, neither knowing how to continue. "I was in Steve's house when I got stuck there. I tried hiding when I heard her voice..."

November, 1983

Gwen immediately gripped onto her bat and held it in front as she slowly opened the back door. She felt quite stupid since this was the part in all of the horror films where the character ends up dying, but something was telling her this wasn't a trick and it was very much real.

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