034. Aftermath

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(Ep. 8: The Battle of Starcourt)

Time appears to run slowly when life doesn't feel real.

The mall started shaking, mirroring the trembling coming from the mind flayer as it started shrieking in pain from having his portal sealed shut. Its arms flail around the food court, impacting the pillars running from the first floor up to the second until finally collapsing its lifeless body to the ground.

Mike runs towards El, embracing her tightly while Max and Gwen slowly walk towards the dying boy laying a few feet from them.

"Billy," her voice breaks as she kneels next to him. His hand starts reaching for hers, hoping to get one last touch of the sun before drowning in the darkness of death. He chokes out a breath of relief once her fingers curl around his, sending black blood to drip down his chin like an open faucet.

"Hey... beautiful," he breathes out, forming a gentle smile through his blood stained teeth.

"You're going to be okay. Just hold on," Gwen feels like such an idiot in assuring him of something that's beyond her reach. She hates herself for having remained frozen and not having done anything to try and save him. She should've done more, she should've dragged him away, and saved him.

But all she did was watch.

"Billy, get up! Get up, please!" Max cries and shakes his shoulders vigorously. Her eyes glance over at Gwen as she wishes for some kind of reassurance that her brother is going to be okay, "Please get up! Please!"

"I'm sorry," he softly says, his eyes switching between both girls before falling firmly onto Gwen's. He wants to say more, to let her know how much she means to him and how there's never been a time where he doesn't regret everything he did. His hand firmly holds her hand, embracing the warmth of her touch before his chest slowly drops.

His once tight grip falls loose, and it's only when his fingers slip from hers that Gwen realizes Billy Hargrove is gone.

"No, no, no! Billy?!" Her voice breaks and her hands start trembling as shock overcomes her. She reaches forward and shakes his shoulders, praying to the heavens for some kind of miracle that will bring him back and give him one last chance.

Instead of miracles being received, she's met with Max's sobs as she cries to her brother and begs him to come back.

Gwen brings herself closer to the young girl and gently places her arms around her. She holds her head against her and tries to refrain crying for him because why does she feel immense loss for the boy she can't ever forgive? He hurt those she loves most and made his sister's life a living hell, and even if he died protecting them, no matter how hard she tries finding the will to forgive... she can't find any.

"It's okay. It's okay," she whispers, letting the young girl grieve for her brother for as long as she needs. Her eyes glance up, immediately scanning the second floor and sees Steve and the others running down to them.

Time After Time | Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now