045. Night Confessions

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(Ep. 5: The Nina Project)

Gwen stood completely still, not daring to make a sound or even remotely breathe. She's afraid the smallest movement would cost her everything and worst of all, she's certain this is another one of her visions happening at the most inconvenient of times.

The clock's chiming can be heard all the way from downstairs, its sound bouncing throughout the walls and piercing her eardrums like hot knives. She whips her head around, nerves consuming her when seeing there's nothing but darkness around her. The halls are vacant and the only thing that serves as comfort is having her flashlight in hand.

She takes a deep breath and cautiously heads down the stairs. Knowing where the clock is makes her feel just a tad bit better since at least, she knows what to expect. The floorboards creak with every step she takes, its wooden planks threatening to break in a matter of seconds that sends a thrill of unease to rummage her body.

She hates how often this is happening, almost like Vecna loves torturing her and is making her pay for visiting his 'maybe' home. The only thing that soothes her is knowing that if he's occupied with her, then no one else is getting killed, but that only means that she can't let him take her just yet.

With her hand on the wooden railing, Gwen sees the grandfather clock ticking vigorously. There's a crack in the middle, one that appears to be going in four separate ways in the shape of some type of path. She turns around, her eyes wandering through every corner just in case this solitude is a trick and something is about to pop up.

When she sees nothing, she continues down to the clock. Her flashlight shines into the antique, its light shaking from how hard her hands are trembling. There's nothing off about this, nothing that appears to be a trick or some sign that this vision will transform into her nightmares, but she knows better than to let her guard down.

The clock seems normal, well, if you ignore the haunting sound and its terrible condition. She leans closer to get a better look when she suddenly sees something moving behind the pendulum. As if her eyes are deceiving her, she swears whatever is hidden behind it is moving it.

Gwen blinks profusely to try to adjust her sight to the darkness. She leans her flashlight closer, her arm just a couple inches from the clock when she finally sees what's behind the pendulum.

"What the hell?" she whispers as her hair falls down her shoulders from how far she's craning her neck. There seems to be a pale finger swinging the pendulum back and forth. Its nails are cracked and covered with dirt and its skin has tons of cuts and has a gray tint to it.

She shakes her head, refusing to believe what she's seeing is real. This is just Vecna's way of trying to scare her and make her let her guard down, but she's not going to give him the satisfaction.

Gwen starts leaning away, her arm slowly falling back to her side as she's chosen to head back upstairs. She lets out a shaky breath, her eyes never once leaving the sight of the clock just in case something happens. Whatever is hiding behind the antique, she's not an idiot to go ahead and inspect it. Not when she's stuck in one of her visions where anything is possible.

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