022. The Mall Stakeout

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(Ep. 3: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard)

Dustin once again visited Scoops Ahoy. Only instead of spending time with Robin, Daphne, and Gwen to try and crack the code, he dragged Steve during his lunch break out on a stakeout, leaving the three girls alone as they kept switching places constantly due to Daphne offering to work for free just to impress Robin.

It was safe to say things were going well between the two of them. Without even realizing it, they had become best friends overnight, leaving Gwen behind as their third wheel.

She was sitting on one of the booths having a slice of pizza and observed the girls as they laughed at whatever it is they're talking about. She loved seeing her friends happy considering Daphne hasn't made many friends during her short time back and based on what Robin has told her on how she has a hard time socializing with others, Gwen was proud of how easy it was for her to bond with Daphne.

To try and make the time go faster, she put on her headphones and hummed along to "Call Me" by Blondie, her most recent favorite song. It used to be "Time After Time" since it always reminds her of dancing with Steve at the Miss Hawkins Ball, but things between them aren't the best right now after tensions increased over his avoidance in not wanting to discuss New York. So for now, Blondie it is.

Steve has been pretty much avoiding her since this morning. He feels like he disappointed her by not talking about it, but he's certain once he starts voicing his actual thoughts, she'd become even more upset over his response.

Which is why he eagerly agreed to this stakeout with Dustin. It's much easier to avoid disappointing her if he's not with her.

Now the two of them are hidden behind some bushes around the food court. He's looking through Dustin's nerdy binoculars in search of any suspicious looking person - that according to Dustin - should be wearing sunglasses, camo, an earpiece and be carrying an overly large duffel bag.

He should be focusing, but instead of searching for a blond Russian, he focuses on Anna Jacobi and Mark Lewinsky - the newly formed couple that only reminds him of the increased tension between him and Gwen.

"See anything?" Dustin narrowed his eyes and tried searching with his naked eye, but none of the mall rats fit his profile.

"Can't believe Anna is with that meathead Mark. He never even came off the bench!" Steve felt a hard whack on the back of his head. He lowered the binoculars to then regret it when being faced by a threatening looking Dustin.

"Are you seriously looking at another girl when you're with my sister?"

"Of course not! I'm just pointing out an observation. I don't have eyes for anyone except for my girl," he raised the binoculars again, trying to ignore the teen's now widening smirk.

"You better," he warned, "And stop looking at them! You're being the worst spy in history. Give me that." Reaching over to Steve, he yanked the binoculars from him, causing them to mutter a few insults under their breaths. Steve had to pull himself off since the kid would most definitely choke him if he didn't give in. "I don't even get why you're looking at couples when you're in a relationship."

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