029. I Had A Crush On You

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(Ep. 7: The Bite)

This is the worst Gwen's ever felt.

Coming down from an all-time high just to fall back into her senses had been much worse than she anticipated. From feeling like she was on top of the world and being overjoyed with a new level of confidence, she was disappointed to be back to her ordinary self.

No more joking around, no more ignoring the troubles coming after them because they're still being chased by Russians and only now that she's sober, she sees the severity of it.

It's been a few minutes since she came barging into the bathroom and it doesn't seem to get any better. Whatever those guards gave them must have been really strong if it's making her incredibly sick.

Her throat is running dry as she holds her hair back into a messy ponytail. The pit of her stomach is burning and her chest heaves with every struggle that feels like blades are cutting through her. She tries gasping for breath, but every time her chest constricts, more fluid comes out, allowing for a few tears to escape the corners of her eyes.

She's never been this sick. Not even after getting food poisoning when eating a piece of undercooked chicken her mother made. Hell, not even when she rode the same roller coaster three times because Dustin kept wanting to go on it. This felt different. Much worse and more painful.

Not sure how long it's been, exhaustion starts taking a toll on her that she ends up sprawling all over the floor. Her legs are stretched out against the door and her hair is laid flatly on the tiles. They feel quite refreshing on her back that she can't be bothered to care for how dirty the floor is. It's not like she's going to keep this outfit anyway or can even return it to The Gap because she just had to steal it. Of course, even if she had bought it, no store would take back this disgusting outfit covered in puke.

Gwen wishes to leave this mall and head home to take a nice long shower. To get under the covers of her plaid cotton sheets that she's taken for granted until now. She wants to leave and never have to set foot into this building, but with those Russians still looking for them, it's not safe to go home until who knows when.

"You guys alright?" Steve mumbles, his eyes focusing on the ceiling to see if it has stopped spinning. When noticing everything is back to normal, he sighs in relief at not having to worry of saying whatever first thing pops into his mind.

"I think I'm good," Robin softly says and lays on the floor with her legs pressed against the stall.

"Pretty sure I'm all emptied out," Gwen prods herself up, pushing her knees together as she buries her head in her arms. Having the drug in her system had surprisingly taken the pain in her face and limbs away, only now that it's gone, her aching has become magnified.

Steve doesn't say anything after that. She hears him make his way to her stall and sees his blue sneakers come closer to the door. He stands hesitantly for a while, almost as if waiting for her to say the words. She faintly smiles and holds the bottom of the door to pull it open.

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