005. Skee Ball

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(Ep. 3: The Pollywog)

Driving in complete silence was something Gwen usually wanted and needed. She loved having time for herself and enjoyed listening to music while singing along to the lyrics. The only thing she didn't enjoy much was driving at night.

After last year, she couldn't bear to drive through the dimly lit roads as the woods appear much more ominous and deadly. Every time she took an accidental peek, images of the monster filled her mind.

It's not like she can avoid driving at night since she's determined to drive her brother everywhere to prevent what happened to Will from occurring again.

Sure, she might get annoyed and refuse sometimes, but through it all, letting her brother ride his bike at night was something she wasn't willing to let him do. Especially now since it appears that it's officially come back.

Gwen kept glancing through the corner of her eye at her brother. Dustin was being extremely quiet, which was very unusual for him. She'd much rather have him annoy the hell out of her than having him this silent. He wasn't moving an inch, his eyes remaining glued on his ghost trap and his knuckles turning white from how tight his grip was.

Seeing one of his best friend's in that state was one of the worst things to have witnessed. He had faced a demogorgon, yet today has been the most terrified he's been.

He started wondering if he hadn't brought Dart to school, would Will never have gone through this? Would he be alright right now? Now that he managed to trap his monster pet again, he wasn't about to let him out of his sight, especially since his friends would demand him to get rid of it.

"You okay?" his sister asked in concern.

Dustin gave a faint nod, not even looking up as he was afraid of letting Dart out of his sight. "It's back, isn't it?"

Gwen didn't know what to say. She didn't know how to comfort him without worrying him even more. All she could think of is how young all of them are and how they shouldn't have to be dealing with this. They should be having fun and focusing on enjoying their childhood. Not focusing on this.

She pulled up to their driveway and turned the ignition off. Turning to face him, she figured it's best to be honest and not sugarcoat anything, "I think it is, so let's keep an eye out, alright? Anything strange, no matter how stupid it might seem, we tell each other everything."

"Everything," he agreed and pulled out his pinky.

She smiled at remembering they used to make pinky promises when they were little. They haven't done so in a while so this brought a wave of nostalgia for the both of them. She held out her pinky and locked it with his, "Everything."


Hawkins Festival had been the long awaited event of the year. Families and friends gather for a night of games, cotton candies, crazy rides, and for the fireworks show. It was safe to say the entire town would be attending. Everyone but Gwen and the rest of the party members.

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